Examples That Encourage Faithfulness
Do day-to-day responsibilities of life ever wear on you, robbing you of joy and causing you to lose perspective? They can. What is a solution? A woman from Kentucky, U.S.A., writes:
“I had been so depressed, worrying about so many little things. After I read the Yearbook, I felt so guilty. All those Christian brothers and sisters went through so much more and remained faithful. It has helped me so much. Thank you, again!”
Now the 1987 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses is available with its many thrilling accounts of Christians maintaining faithfulness to God—in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Trinidad, Tobago, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and other lands around the globe. Don’t miss reading it! Send for your copy today.
Please send, postpaid, the 1987 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses; I enclose $1 (U.S.).