Does Your Child Have a Personal Subscription?
TO CULTIVATE in their youngsters a desire to learn, wise parents make fine literature readily available to them. Many, for example, see to it that their children have a personal subscription for the Bible journal The Watchtower, which is used as the basis for weekly Bible discussions at meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses. But at what age should a child be provided a personal subscription?
Earlier this year, the following letter was received from a mother: “This subscription is for our two-year-old son. During the Watchtower Study, he must have his own copy. I’ve tried to give him another one when we didn’t have an extra copy, but he would notice that the pictures didn’t match, and he wanted the issue we were using. I’m sure the beautiful color pictures impress even a young child and will help his early appreciation of the spiritual food he can’t understand as yet.”
Why not make sure that each of your children has a personal subscription for The Watchtower? Receive a subscription for a year by filling in and mailing the accompanying coupon, along with $5.
Please send The Watchtower. I enclose $5 (U.S.).