Words of Faith From a Death Cell
On January 6, 1940, the young Austrian Franz Reiter wrote his mother from a Nazi detention center shortly before his execution: “Being here, I could still change my mind, but with God this would be disloyalty. . . . With what I knew, if I had taken the [military] oath, I would have committed a sin deserving death.”
If you were faced with death, would you compromise principles that you know to be right? Many Austrians refused to compromise. They had no share in Hitler’s political or military aggressions. Some died in his concentration camps. Strengthen your own conviction by reading a moving account of the integrity of Austrian Christians prior to and during World War II.
Also read the exciting reports about the activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Barbados and Ecuador, as well as an up-to-date picture of the work worldwide. It is all in the 1989 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Please send, postpaid, the 1989 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I enclose $1 (U.S.).
[Picture Credit Line on page 32]
DÖW, Vienna, Austria