Do You Remember?
Have you found the recent issues of The Watchtower of practical value to you? Then why not test your memory with the following?
◻ What did Jesus mean when he said that no one could become his disciple unless he ‘hated his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, even his own soul’? (Luke 14:26)
Jesus did not mean that one of his followers should literally hate his relatives or his own life. Rather, he meant that a disciple must love others or his own life less than he loves Jesus.—1/1, page 8.
◻ What are three basic factors that have contributed to the success of the Witness missionary work, past and present?
One is personal contact with the people at their homes. Another is the direct and simple Bible-based Kingdom message. A third is the Christlike love manifested by missionaries in dealing with people.—1/1, page 14.
◻ Why did God temporarily add the Law covenant to the Abrahamic covenant?
The Law covenant proved that the Israelites were sinners needing a permanent priest and a perfect sacrifice. It guarded the line of the Seed and helped to identify who that Seed was. It also showed that one day God would have a nation of king-priests.—2/1, page 16.
◻ What are seven progressive divine covenants leading to eternal blessings for all of us?
The Edenic covenant, the Abrahamic covenant, the Law covenant, the covenant for a priest like Melchizedek, the Davidic Kingdom covenant, the new covenant, and the Kingdom covenant.—2/1, page 19.
◻ Do the thousands of variations in Bible manuscripts weaken the Bible’s claim to be the Word of God?
No. Bible scholars tell us that nearly all these variations are of little importance to the text. They simply serve to strengthen the proof of the authenticity of the Scriptures. (Psalm 119:105; 1 Peter 1:25)—2/1, pages 29, 30.
◻ From what is the term “agnostic” derived, and how is it used in the Bible?
“Agnostic” is derived from the Greek word aʹgno·stos, which means “unknown.” Paul used a form of it in his speech to the Athenians when he referred to a pagan altar dedicated “To an Unknown God.” (Acts 17:23)—2/15, page 5.
◻ How should we act when some Scriptural direction may seem to be open to different opinions?
We should demonstrate the humble responsiveness that was shown by the early Christians, accepting decisions and directions from God’s congregation. (Acts 15:6-29)—2/15, page 20.
◻ What did Jesus mean when he said: “Make friends for yourselves by means of the unrighteous riches, so that, when such fail, they may receive you into the everlasting dwelling places”? (Luke 16:9)
We should be diligent to use any wealth at our disposal to support Kingdom interests and thus cultivate friendship with Jehovah and his Son. They are the only ones who can provide a place for us in heaven or on a paradise earth when material riches fail or perish.—3/1, page 9.
◻ What three things are required on our part if we are to benefit from the insight that Jehovah makes available?
We need to appreciate Jehovah’s organization; we must regularly study God’s Word and the helps that are provided, which enable us to understand it; and we must meditate on what we have learned and how to apply this in our daily life.—3/15, page 14.
◻ Why did the people of ancient Israel act with such a gross lack of insight?
They failed to ponder appreciatively over all the things Jehovah had done for them. (Psalm 106:7, 13)—3/15, page 17.
◻ What is represented by “the armies of cavalry” spoken of at Revelation 9:16?
These symbolic horses represent not only the diminishing remnant of anointed ones but also the growing and powerful “great crowd” of “other sheep.” (Revelation 7:9; John 10:16)—4/1, page 19.