“Hope of a Better World”
While visiting Montreal in July 1985, Gilles Le Sieur inadvertently left his briefcase on a subway train. The day after he returned home, some 160 miles [260 km] from Montreal, he received a phone call from a young woman who had found the case. Gilles and his wife returned to Montreal to retrieve it. When they did, they gave a copy of the book You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth to the young woman. About two weeks later, they received an appreciative letter from her, which says in part:
“I do not know who of us rendered the greater service to the other last week. Even though I expected nothing in return, I was impressed by the gratitude you showed me. I particularly appreciated the fact that you wanted to share with me the source of your happiness. . . . I have already finished reading the book you gave me, and at the time of your reading this letter, one of my friends will be reading it. You were right about the benefits this book brings. Not only did it give me the hope of a better world but it answered many questions my religion has never answered. . . . I have now resumed Bible reading with the desire to lead a better life.”
This young woman continued her study of the Bible and, in time, became a full-time minister of the good things that she had learned. You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth has been instrumental in changing many people’s lives for the better. The book, the same page size as this magazine, discusses practically every Bible teaching and contains over 150 teaching illustrations. To receive this valuable publication, simply fill in and mail the accompanying coupon.
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