Do You Remember?
Have you found the recent issues of The Watchtower of practical value to you? Then why not test your memory with the following?
◻ What must we do if we are to realize the harmony and peace for people of all races envisioned at Isaiah 2:4?
First, we must acknowledge that our Creator, Jehovah, has the right to instruct us “about his ways.” And second, we must have an earnest desire to conform to God’s laws by saying: “We will walk in his paths.” (Isaiah 2:2, 3)—12/15, pages 5, 6.
◻ Why are Jehovah’s Witnesses not discouraged and disheartened by worldwide hatred and opposition?
Jesus foretold that such opposition and hatred would be an identifying mark of genuine worshipers. (John 15:20, 21; 2 Timothy 3:12) So proclaimers of the good news are reassured that they have divine approval. In addition, Jehovah’s Witnesses know that they have the backing of the Most High God, Jehovah.—1/1, page 12.
◻ What are some basic requirements that we must meet if our prayers are to be answered?
We must sincerely believe that God exists. We must be “earnestly seeking him,” confident that he will reward those who do so. (Hebrews 11:6) Also, we must approach Jehovah through Jesus Christ and him alone. (John 14:6, 14)—1/15, pages 4, 6.
◻ What is “godly devotion”? (1 Timothy 3:16)
Godly devotion is reverence, worship, and service to God, with loyalty to his universal sovereignty.—1/15, page 11.
◻ Who is “the man of lawlessness” that Paul speaks of at 2 Thessalonians 2:3?
Paul is not speaking of a single individual, for he states that this “man” was evident in Paul’s day and would continue in existence until Jehovah destroyed him at this system’s end. Hence, “the man of lawlessness” is a symbolic expression. Evidence shows that he is the body of proud, ambitious clergymen of Christendom, who over the centuries have set themselves up as a law unto themselves.—2/1, page 11.
◻ How can greed be eliminated?
Greed among humans can only be eliminated through proper education and training, with strict guidelines, or rules of conduct, being followed. Such education must emanate from a source that is itself free from greed. Only the God of heaven can supply this kind of education, and it is found in his written textbook, the Holy Bible.—2/15, page 5.
◻ If personal Bible study is to result in the developing of godly devotion, what should the study include?
The objective of personal study cannot simply be to cover pages of material and thus fill the mind with information. Instead, when a portion of God’s Word is read, time must be taken to reflect on the material to determine what it teaches about Jehovah’s qualities and ways so that the student can become more like Jehovah in these respects.—3/1, page 13.
◻ Why should personal Bible study include a regular reading of the Gospel accounts of Jesus?
Jesus’ example helps us to cultivate godly devotion. Jesus knew his Father better than anyone else, so he could closely imitate Jehovah’s ways and qualities. Hence, he set for us the perfect example of godly devotion. (John 1:18; 14:9; Romans 13:14)—3/1, page 19.
◻ In Jesus’ illustration of the talents, what was meant by putting the talents to work? (Matthew 25:19-23)
Putting the talents to work meant faithfully acting as ambassadors of God, making disciples, and dispensing spiritual truths to the household of God. (Matthew 24:45; 28:19, 20; 2 Corinthians 5:20)—3/15, page 13.
◻ In what three aspects is the Bible unique compared to all other sources of counsel?
First, its counsel is always beneficial. (Psalm 93:5) Second, the Bible has stood the test of time. (Isaiah 40:8; 1 Peter 1:25) Third, the wide range of the Bible’s counsel is unequaled. No matter what problem or decision we face, there is wisdom in the Bible that can help us.—4/1, page 13.
◻ What are two lines of evidence that demonstrate that the Bible is the Word of God, not of man?
The unparalleled wisdom of the Bible and its power to change people. (Proverbs 2:1, 5, 6; Hebrews 4:12)—4/1, page 21.