Why You Should Attend
YOU will receive four rewarding days of spiritual instruction at the “Divine Teaching” District Convention, which will be in progress this summer in cities around the world. In the United States alone, over 150 of these gatherings will be held during June, July, and August. Generally, the program will begin on Thursday at 1:20 p.m. and conclude on Sunday at 4:15 p.m. A highlight at some conventions will be reports by missionaries, who have been helped to return to their home country for this happy occasion.
Whether you are old or young—a husband, wife, father, mother, teenager, or child—you will receive teaching presented in a clear, appealing way that will benefit you. For example, many today ask, What is the purpose of life? On Friday morning, you will enjoy hearing this question discussed and will be delighted with what you receive to help others understand the subject.
Friday afternoon the program will feature the parts “Making Marriage a Lasting Union,” “Work Hard for the Salvation of Your Household,” and “Parents—Your Children Need Specialized Attention.” Immediately following these, specific attention will be focused on the problems young people face and how they can deal with them. They should be encouraged by the modern-day drama entitled Youths Who Remember Their Creator Now.
On Saturday the program will feature Jesus’ prophecy on the last days and especially his words: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened.” (Matthew 24:29) You will want to hear the discussion regarding when that tribulation occurs. The Saturday program will also review the record of Jehovah’s Witnesses in modern times and show what they have accomplished.
On Sunday another drama, entitled Do Not Be Misled or Mock God, will address the challenge to one’s Christian integrity because of today’s popular videos and music. The public discourse in the afternoon will feature the theme “Helpful Teaching for Our Critical Times.” The program will conclude with the admonition “Keep Holding Fast to Divine Teaching.”
Surely, you will benefit by being present all four days! You are cordially invited to attend. To find the location nearest your home, contact the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses or write the publishers of this magazine or see the June 8 issue of Awake!, which will contain the addresses of all convention locations in the United States, Canada, Britain, and Ireland.