Kingdom Proclaimers Report
Modern-Day Martyrs Bear Witness in Sweden
THE Greek word for “witness” is martyr, from which comes the English word “martyr,” meaning “one who bears witness by his death.” Many first-century Christians gave a witness about Jehovah by dying for their faith.
Similarly, in the 20th century, thousands of Witnesses died at the hands of Hitler’s henchmen for maintaining their neutrality in political and nationalistic issues. These modern-day martyrs also provide a powerful witness. This is what took place in Sweden recently.
In connection with the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II, the Swedish government initiated a nationwide educational campaign about the Holocaust. The project was called Living History. Jehovah’s Witnesses were invited to take part and to share their experiences.
The Witnesses responded by staging an exhibition entitled The Forgotten Victims of the Holocaust. It opened at the Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Strängnäs. Witness Holocaust survivors were on hand to share their experiences with the more than 8,400 visitors who came on the first day! By the end of 1999, the exhibition had appeared in over 100 museums and public libraries throughout Sweden, and some 150,000 people had seen it. Visitors included a number of government officials, who commented favorably on what they saw.
No other single event in connection with the activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sweden has had such extensive public coverage and received as much favorable publicity. Many visitors asked: “Why haven’t you told us about your Holocaust experiences before?”
After the exhibition had been shown in their area, one congregation reported a 30-percent increase in home Bible studies! One Witness invited a fellow worker to see the exhibit. The colleague gladly accepted and brought along a friend. Afterward, the friend said that she found it hard to understand how people could have such strong faith that they would rather be executed than sign a document relinquishing their faith. This led to further discussions, and a Bible study was started with her.
Like their first-century counterparts, these 20th-century faithful martyrs have boldly borne witness that Jehovah is the only true God, who is worthy of our unswerving faith and loyalty.—Revelation 4:11.
[Picture Credit Line on page 13]
Camp prisoner: Państwowe Muzeum Oświęcim-Brzezinka, courtesy of the USHMM Photo Archives