Do You Remember?
Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions:
• What is empathy, and why should Christians cultivate it?
It is the ability to put oneself in another’s place, such as feeling another person’s pain in our heart. Christians are counseled to show ‘fellow feeling, brotherly affection, and compassion.’ (1 Peter 3:8) Jehovah set an example for us to follow in showing empathy. (Psalm 103:14; Zechariah 2:8) We can sharpen our sensitivity in this regard by listening, observing, and imagining.—4/15, pages 24-6.
• To obtain true happiness, why must spiritual healing come before the final solution to physical disabilities?
Many physically healthy people are unhappy, overwhelmed with problems. In contrast, many Christians who today have physical disabilities are very happy serving Jehovah. Those benefiting from spiritual healing will be in line to experience the elimination of physical disabilities in the new world.—5/1, pages 6-7.
• Why does Hebrews 12:16 put Esau in the same category as a fornicator?
The Bible account shows that Esau displayed a mentality focused on immediate rewards and a disregard for sacred things. If someone today allows that type of mentality to develop, it could lead to serious sin, such as fornication.—5/1, pages 10-11.
• Who was Tertullian, and for what is he noted?
He was a writer and theologian who lived in the second and third centuries C.E. He is noted for producing a number of literary works in defense of nominal Christianity. While offering his defense, he introduced ideas and philosophic approaches that laid the basis for doctrinal corruptions, such as the Trinity.—5/15, pages 29-31.
• Why are genetics not fully responsible for human diseases, behavior, and death?
Scientists have concluded that there evidently is a genetic component to various human diseases, and some believe that behavior is determined by our genes. Yet, the Bible provides insight into mankind’s origin, including how sin and imperfection came to afflict mankind. While genes may play a role in shaping personalities, our imperfection and our environment also are major influences.—6/1, pages 9-11.
• How does a papyrus fragment found in Oxyrhynchus, Egypt, shed light on the use of God’s name?
This fragment of Job 42:11, 12 from the Greek Septuagint contains the Tetragrammaton (the four Hebrew letters of God’s name). This is additional evidence that God’s name in Hebrew appeared in the Septuagint, often quoted by writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures.—6/1, page 30.
• The violent and deadly gladiatorial events of the Roman Empire have been compared to what modern spectator sports?
A recent exhibit in the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, suggested modern parallels by including video clips of bullfighting, professional boxing, auto and motorcycle races, and spectator fights at other modern sports events. Early Christians took to heart that Jehovah does not love violence or violent ones, and neither should Christians today. (Psalm 11:5)—6/15, page 29.
• As we strive to become effective teachers, what can we learn from Ezra’s example?
Ezra 7:10 highlights four things that Ezra did, things that we can strive to imitate. It says: “Ezra himself had [1] prepared his heart [2] to consult the law of Jehovah and [3] to do it and [4] to teach in Israel regulation and justice.”—7/1, page 20.
• In what two spheres of activity is it appropriate for a Christian woman to wear a head covering?
One is in situations arising in the family setting. Her wearing a head covering reflects recognition that her husband is responsible to take the lead in prayer and Bible instruction. The other is in congregation activities, where she shows recognition that baptized males are Scripturally authorized to teach and direct. (1 Corinthians 11:3-10)—7/15, pages 26-7.
• Why do Christians recognize that yoga goes beyond mere exercise and is dangerous?
The objective of yoga as a discipline is to lead a person to being merged with a superhuman spirit. Contrary to God’s direction, yoga involves stopping spontaneous thinking. (Romans 12:1, 2) Yoga can expose one to the dangers of spiritism and occultism. (Deuteronomy 18:10, 11)—8/1, pages 20-2.