Filling a Need in Macedonia
“STEP over into Macedonia and help us.” (Acts 16:9) These words of a man who appeared in a vision to the apostle Paul revealed the need to declare the good news of God’s Kingdom in a new territory, in cities that now are in Greece.
In the present nation of Macedonia, there is only 1 of Jehovah’s Witnesses to every 1,840 inhabitants. Many people have never heard about Jehovah God. Yes, there is a dire need for people of this nation to hear the message of peace.—Matthew 24:14.
God has opened the way to help satisfy that need. One day in November 2003, the Macedonia office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Skopje received an unexpected phone call. It was from the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation, inviting the Witnesses to set up a booth to explain their beliefs at a three-day fair that was to start on November 20. What a grand opportunity to reach thousands of people who had never heard the Kingdom good news!
Volunteers scrambled to prepare and set up a display of various publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Macedonian language. Samples of this literature were laid out so that visitors could take copies if they so desired. The display gave many the opportunity to get refreshing spiritual water free.—Revelation 22:17.
Visitors particularly sought publications that touched their lives, such as Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Work and The Secret of Family Happiness.a Ninety-eight people turned in their addresses, asking to have Jehovah’s Witnesses call on them. Many made favorable comments on the fine work of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the quality of the literature.
One man came to the booth holding his little boy’s hand. The father asked whether there was literature for children. The Witnesses showed him the publication My Book of Bible Stories.b He leafed through it and excitedly asked how much it cost. When he heard that the educational work of Jehovah’s Witnesses is fully supported by voluntary donations, he got even more excited. (Matthew 10:8) He showed the book to his son and said: “What a nice book! Daddy will read one story to you every day!”
A professor of philosophy approached the booth. He was very much interested in religion in general but particularly in the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Looking through the book Mankind’s Search for God,c the professor said: “Logically presented material indeed! Exactly the way I imagined matters should be presented.” Later, some students from his school came to the booth and asked for their own copies of the book that the professor had obtained. They wanted to study the same book. They thought that he would use the material in his lessons.
The exhibit provided some people with their very first exposure to Scriptural truths. A group of deaf teenagers came to look around. One of the Witnesses gave them a short talk, with help from a girl who interpreted it into sign language. Using illustrations from the book The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived,d he explained that Jesus healed the sick, including the deaf. They were pleased to “hear” the Bible’s promise that Jesus would soon do the same for people living on earth in our day. A number of them happily accepted Bible-based literature, and arrangements were made for a Witness who knows sign language to visit them.
Besides Macedonian, literature was also available in Albanian, English, and Turkish. One man who did not speak Macedonian asked for some literature in English. After receiving issues of the Watchtower and Awake! magazines, he mentioned that he spoke Turkish. When he was shown literature in his own language, he could hardly believe his eyes! He saw that Jehovah’s Witnesses want to help everyone.
What a fine witness was given on that occasion, and how encouraging it was to see so many people showing interest in Bible truth! Yes, Jehovah opened the way to spread the Kingdom good news further in Macedonia.
a All published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
b All published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
c All published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
d All published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
[Box/Pictures on page 9]
Efforts to spread the good news of God’s Kingdom took a major step forward on May 17, 2003. An office of Jehovah’s Witnesses was dedicated in Skopje. Construction work had proceeded for two years, expanding the former facilities fourfold.
There are three separate buildings that house administration and translation offices as well as living quarters, a kitchen, and a laundry. Guy Pierce, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, was present to give the dedication talk. Visitors from ten different countries attended the dedication program. All were thrilled to see the beautiful new buildings.
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Skopje, Macedonia