Subject Index for The Watchtower 2015 Indicating the date of issue in which each article appears BIBLE 2013 Revision of New World Translation, 12/15 Bedell’s Bible (Ireland), 9/1 Gem From the Trash (Rylands fragment), 4/1 Has Science Replaced? 6/1 Prophecies, 9/1 Surprise Gift for Japan (Matthew), 2/15 Why Examine? 2/1 Would You Like to Study? 4/1 You Can Understand, 12/1 BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Answers to Life’s Big Questions (E. Loedi), 2/1 I Learned That Jehovah Is Merciful (N. Pelletier), 5/1 I Now Feel I Can Help Others (J. Corio), 10/1 I Thought I Was Living Life to the Full (P. Pyzara), 11/1 My Life Was Going From Bad to Worse (S. McDowell), 7/1 Satisfied My Thirst for Answers (M. Gündel), 1/1 Three Questions Changed My Life (D. Eldred), 4/1 CHRISTIAN LIFE AND QUALITIES Does It Do Any Good to Pray? 10/1 Enjoy Your Work, 2/1 Forgive Freely, 10/1 Husbands—Make Home Secure, 1/1 Maintain Zeal for the Ministry, 2/15 Marry “Only in the Lord” Realistic? 3/15 Matter Who Notices Your Work? 7/15 “Naive Person Believes Every Word,” 10/15 Serving Jehovah in “the Calamitous Days,” 7/15 “You Need Endurance,” 6/15 JEHOVAH Can We Find God? 10/1 Can We Please God? 7/1 Disappointed in God? 9/1 Truth About God, 12/1 View of War, 11/1 JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Appreciation for Jehovah’s Generosity (contributions), 11/15 Disfellowshipping a Loving Provision, 4/15 “If Kingsley Can Do It, So Can I!” 6/15 “Jehovah Brought You to France to Learn the Truth” (Polish immigrants after World War I), 8/15 “Keep Holding Men of That Sort Dear” (Governing Body helpers), 10/15 Love Ran the Cafeteria, 5/15 ‘Nothing Should Stop You!’ (colporteurs in France), 11/15 Offered Selves in New York, 1/15 Offered Selves in Russia, 7/15 “Very Precious Season” (Memorial), 2/15 Who Are Jehovah’s Witnesses? 9/1 JESUS CHRIST Jesus Saves—From What? 3/1 Remembering Jesus’ Death, 3/1 Should We Pray To? 1/1 Why Commemorate Death? 4/1 LIFE STORIES A More Rewarding Career (D. and G. Cartwright), 3/15 Blessing “in Favorable Times and Difficult Times” (T. R. Nsomba), 4/15 Decision Made in Youth (N. Dubovinsky), 10/15 Drawing Near to God Has Been Good for Me (S. Maiga), 10/15 I Found Peace With God and My Mother (M. Kumagai), 12/15 Jairo’s Eyes—His Way to Serve God, 3/1 Jehovah Has Given Me More Than I Deserve (F. Alarcón), 8/1 Jehovah’s Blessing Has Enriched My Life (M. Jaracz), 9/15 Legacy That Lasted Seven Generations (K. Williams), 6/1 “Let the Many Islands Rejoice” (G. Jackson), 8/15 Remembering My First Love (A. Morris III), 5/15 Something Better Than Glamour (M. H. Godenzi), 9/1 MISCELLANEOUS Accommodations at Jewish Festivals, 12/1 “Am I in the Place of God?” (Joseph), 5/1 Ancient Israel Forested? 7/15 Antichrist, 6/1 Anxiety, 7/1 Archaeology Support Bible? 5/1 “Bosom Position,” 7/1 Centurion in Roman Army, 4/1 Christmas Customs, 12/1 Cut-Down Tree Sprout Again? 4/15 Dead Live Again? Where? 11/1 Easter a Christian Celebration? 3/1 End Near? 5/1 Eunuchs, 1/1 Existence of Creator, 1/1 Future for Mankind, 4/1 Gifts Fit for a King (aromatic spices), 3/1 Government Free of Corruption, 1/1 Hand Mills in Ancient Times, 7/1 Herod’s Temple, 10/1 How Shepherds Were Paid, 3/1 How to Age Gracefully, 6/1 How Will Selfishness Be Eliminated? 4/1 Hypocrisy Ever End? 12/1 “I Arose as a Mother in Israel” (Deborah), 8/1 “Interpretations Belong to God” (Joseph), 2/1 Jews “From Every Nation” at Pentecost 33 C.E.? 12/1 Judgment Day, 5/1 Life After Death Possible? 8/1 Lions Disappear From Bible Lands, 5/1 Mirrors in Bible Times, 4/1 “My Beloved and Faithful Child” (Timothy), 11/1 One Government for Whole World, 2/1 Peter the First Pope? 12/1 Raising Responsible Children, 6/1 Roman Citizenship, 3/1 Shepherds Separate Sheep From Goats, 1/1 This Life All There Is? 8/1 Timothy’s Father From Greece? 11/1 What Makes a Good Parent, 6/1 What We Can Learn From Joanna, 8/15 Where Does Evil Come From? 7/1 Why Joseph Shaved Before Seeing Pharaoh, 11/1 Why People of Malta Thought Paul a Murderer, 10/1 Why Were Humans Created? 8/1 World Without Poverty, 10/1 QUESTIONS FROM READERS Adverse reactions to fragrances, 2/15 Existence of Pontius Pilate supported? 2/15 Head covering for female publisher conducting Bible study? 2/15 Jericho conquered without long siege? 11/15 Types and antitypes, 3/15 Who is Gog of Magog? 5/15 STUDY ARTICLES A Living Translation of God’s Word, 12/15 Always Trust in Jehovah! 4/15 Are You Reaching the Stature That Belongs to Christ? 9/15 Be Watchful—Satan Wants to Devour You! 5/15 Build a Strong and Happy Marriage, 1/15 Christ—The Power of God, 6/15 Do You “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself”? 11/15 Do You See God’s Hand in Your Life? 10/15 Elders, How Do You Feel About Training Others? 4/15 Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed, 1/15 “Give Us More Faith,” 10/15 He Loved People, 6/15 How Can We Show That We Love Jehovah? 9/15 How Elders Train Others to Become Qualified, 4/15 How Real Is Your Relationship With Jehovah? 4/15 Imitate Jesus’ Courage and Discernment, 2/15 Imitate Jesus’ Humility and Tenderness, 2/15 Imitate the One Who Promises Everlasting Life, 5/15 In What Ways Does Jehovah Love Us? 9/15 Is Unfailing Love Possible? 1/15 Is Your Conscience a Reliable Guide? 9/15 Jehovah Guides Our Global Teaching Work, 2/15 Jehovah Is the God of Love, 11/15 Jehovah, the God of Communication, 12/15 Jehovah Will Sustain You, 12/15 Keep in Expectation! 8/15 Keep Meditating on Spiritual Things, 10/15 Learn From the Illustration of the Talents, 3/15 Let Jehovah Fortify and Safeguard Your Marriage, 1/15 Live in Harmony With the Model Prayer, 6/15 Loyally Supporting Christ’s Brothers, 3/15 Maintain Your Loyalty to God’s Kingdom, 7/15 Meditate on Jehovah’s Enduring Love, 8/15 One Hundred Years Under Kingdom Rulership! 11/15 Prepare Now for Life in the New World, 8/15 Preparing the Nations for “the Teaching of Jehovah,” 2/15 Serve Jehovah Without Distraction, 10/15 “Stand Firm in the Faith,” 9/15 They “Saw” the Things Promised, 5/15 This Is Our Place of Worship, 7/15 “This Is the Way You Approved,” 3/15 Train Your Child to Serve Jehovah, 11/15 Train Your Teenager to Serve Jehovah, 11/15 Use the Power of Your Tongue for Good, 12/15 Watch Your Associations in These Last Days, 8/15 We Can Remain Chaste, 6/15 Why We Observe the Lord’s Evening Meal, 1/15 Will You “Keep on the Watch”? 3/15 Work to Enhance the Spiritual Paradise, 7/15 You Can Fight Satan—And Win! 5/15 “Your Deliverance Is Getting Near”! 7/15