How Did We Do in June?
A peak of publishers in June! Unusual you say? Yes, for not since 1948 has June been a peak month. There were 383,773 publishers in the field service, or 3,223 more than in April, our previous peak month. What a joy it is to see the marvelous increase that Jehovah is giving! It certainly makes all of us happy, does it not, to have at least some part in assisting new ones to take their stand on Jehovah’s side?
There were 295,514 studies conducted during the month. When you consider that at most of these studies more than one learner is present, it makes each of us realize that there are bright prospects for much greater increase. Each one of us conducting a study should carefully sound down the truth into the minds and hearts of the learners so after starting to preach to others they will continue to do so, steadily progressing to maturity. With June’s fine peak behind us let us now care well for these new ones, to Jehovah’s praise.