Theocratic News
◆ Despite earthquake and resultant relief work, Peru reports a 30-percent increase, a new peak of 4,402 publishers, each averaging 14.3 hours.
◆ El Salvador happily reports a new peak of 1,664 publishers, a 29-percent increase over last year’s average.
◆ With 154 publishers reporting in June, Tahiti had 24 percent above average of last year.
◆ Okinawa hit new peak of 428 publishers, a 21-percent increase. At circuit assembly there, 22 were baptized.
◆ In July Ponape had 51 publishers reporting. Circuit assembly attended by 135.
◆ Saipan’s 14 publishers averaged 13.9 hours each in July.
◆ Assembly in Mauritius attended by 610; 20 baptized. June’s report of 235 publishers is a 30-percent increase.
◆ Although a number of servants are in prison, Mozambique had a 40-percent increase in June with 2,921 publishers.
◆ San Marino reports 21 publishers for first time, a fine increase over last year’s average.