“Divine Name” District Assemblies
Which one of the “Divine Name” District Assemblies will you attend this summer? A list of the assemblies scheduled for the United States appears in the January 15, 1971, Watchtower. Many fine spiritual blessings await those who attend.
Generally the Society estimates the number in attendance at each assembly on the basis that normally brothers attend an assembly nearest to their homes. However, at times there are a few areas where we would like to suggest a preference in order to balance the size of the crowd to suit the facilities available. If the suggestions noted below are followed, it will greatly aid in making the facilities more comfortable for all in attendance, both by having ample seating and less congestion in every way. So, for the following circuits, we suggest that, as much as possible, they attend the conventions noted below:
Cincinnati, Ohio Ill. 6; Mo. 1, 2, 7
Flint, Mich. Mich. 3, 6, 11
Jackson, Mich. Mich. 5, 8, 9; Ohio 5
Jersey City, N.J. N.J. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
Lansing, Mich. Mich. 4, 10, 12
Port Huron, Mich. Mich. 1, 2, 13
Milwaukee, Wis. Minn. 3, 4
In ample time the Society will send a supply of Room Request forms to each congregation, on which will be printed the address of the rooming headquarters for each assembly. After obtaining Room Request forms from your overseer, please mail them to the address for the assembly chosen (not to the Society) four to five weeks before the start of the assembly.