◆ Literature offer for December: New World Translation with Peace and Security book for $1.25. Also other Bibles (including those in some foreign languages) and Bible study aids such as the Aid book and “Make Sure of All Things” can be offered where appropriate. Kingdom News No. 17 will be distributed from December 22 through 31.
For January through April: Watchtower subscription with three booklets for $1.50. Subscriptions for both The Watchtower and Awake! can also be offered, with six booklets for $3.00.
◆ The public talk built around eighty colored slides that will be presented by circuit overseers starting in February is entitled “Our Troubled Times—What Do They Mean?” Also beginning in February, the public lecture at circuit assemblies will be “Be Confident of Divine Victory!”
◆ Elders are requested to review the letter of October 1, 1973, regarding pioneers. If Personal Qualifications Reports are needed, they should be requested from the Society.
◆ New Publications available:
“The Nations Shall Know that I Am Jehovah”—How?—Chinese, Spanish
“Then is Finished the Mystery of God”—French
New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures—Japanese
Organization for Kingdom-preaching and Disciple-making— Japanese
◆ Regular Pioneer Report cards (S-200) that are needed by the regular pioneers are to be ordered by the presiding overseer. Please include these with your next literature order.
◆ After December 21, 1973, congregations may submit orders for the 1973 bound volumes of The Watchtower and Awake! These will be available in English, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. Volumes are $2.50 each. There are no pioneer rates. All orders for bound volumes will be charged to your congregation literature account. We also have in stock 1971 Watchtower and Awake! bound volumes in English, available at the reduced cost of $1.50 each. Any desiring these please order them along with your current bound volume order.