Question Box
● What procedure is to be followed by the public meeting chairman?
The public meeting chairman’s duty is to impart a welcome and relaxed feeling to the audience and to maintain a smooth continuity to the features of the program. Therefore, he should prepare in advance to make his comments serve these purposes. Brevity is the keynote. After a few words of welcome, a song is usually sung, followed by prayer. Usually it is appropriate for the chairman to offer the prayer, but it may be offered by another brother, preferably one designated beforehand. (“or,” pp. 95, 96) Then the chairman states the title of the talk and introduces the speaker. Since those attending know that it is a religious meeting, with one of Jehovah’s witnesses, a minister, as speaker, it is inappropriate to introduce the speaker as “Mister.” It is customary to refer to him as “Brother ———.” If he is a visiting speaker, the chairman may want to state the name of the congregation with which the speaker is associated. There is no need to state his qualifications, nor to specify how long the speaker will talk. Primarily, the subject of the talk should be distinctly stated so that the audience clearly understands it.
After the talk, the comments should also be very brief. The subject of next week’s talk may be announced, with an invitation to attend. If the “Watchtower” study follows the talk, the subject to be studied may be announced and the audience encouraged to remain and enjoy it.
By being brief and to the point the chairman’s comments do not detract from or cause duplication of the speaker’s introduction or conclusion. The audience hears what they came to hear, namely, the discourse by the speaker, and the chairman does not run the meeting overtime.