Question Box
● Is the school overseer still to give counsel on speech qualities after each student talk?
Yes. As pointed out in the Instructions for the Theocratic Ministry School for 1974: “Specific counsel on each student talk will be given, following the program of progressive counsel outlined at the bottom of the Speech Counsel slip.”
The student is informed on his assignment slip what point(s) he is working on, and it is appropriate for the school overseer to give counsel or commendation on how he did. Perhaps the student did very well in applying the suggestions given in the “School Guidebook.” It is appropriate for the counselor briefly to commend the student for this and he may be able to comment on how the student applied the suggestions and why it is appropriate for him to have developed this speech quality or how it will be useful to him in the field ministry—which comments can be instructive and beneficial for all who are in attendance at the school.
As noted in the school Instructions for 1974, however, the whole two minutes need not be spent in discussion of speech qualities. In fact, it is appropriate for the emphasis to be placed on spiritual matters. To accomplish this, appropriate comments on important points from material assigned, but not covered by the speakers, can be made. Remarks highlighting the value of the information to us can help to keep the attention of all focused primarily on the Scriptural information presented. For a good balance on this, see the suggestions given on page 7 of the December 1972 issue of the “Kingdom Ministry.”
The school overseer should be careful to use no more than two minutes for his counsel and comments after each student talk.