Presenting the Good News—With the “Eternal Purpose” Book
1 Having just completed the study of the “Eternal Purpose” book at the congregation book studies, you know the value of it and can point out some of its fine features as you speak to others about it in July when this book will be offered. How can this best be done?
2 You know that people in general have little idea of God’s original purpose for the earth and humans. In fact, if they believe in God at all, many feel that God has left man to work things out in the earth, whether for good or for bad. In view of this, you may find it best in your territory to avoid asking people at the very outset of your presentation how they think on these points, which likely would result in a negative reply. Better results may be obtained by stating matters positively and then getting the householder’s opinion. Here is a suggested presentation, after a friendly introduction:
3 “The Bible shows that God had a definite purpose in mind in creating the earth and placing man upon it. Peace, happiness and plenty were to be enjoyed by all. Would you not like to see these conditions here on the earth? [Pause for reply, if householder is inclined. Whether he does so or not, you usually will be able to continue as follows.] It has been centuries since the first human pair lost perfection due to sinning against God, but God has not forgotten his purpose for the earth; and he has not been slow in developing it. Note what the Bible has to say on this at 2 Peter 3:9 [read].
4 “So God, in permitting some time to elapse, has really allowed opportunity for us to learn about his purpose and to do the things required by him if we are to live in the restored paradise. Did you know that time is running out and that the Bible indicates that soon God will sweep away unrighteousness and establish a whole new system of things? [If person is listening well and it seems appropriate, you might add: “See how this is confirmed a few verses later, at 2 Peter 3:13 (read).” Otherwise, go right to the book presentation.]
5 “This book, God’s ‘Eternal Purpose’ Now Triumphing for Man’s Good, discusses in detail how God’s purpose to restore an earthly paradise will be fulfilled, and how you personally can benefit from this grand purpose. We offer this book on a small contribution of 25 cents.”
6 Another approach might be to use the table of contents of the “Eternal Purpose” book. Hand a copy to the householder and let him read the titles of certain chapters as you point them out and say a few words of explanation. “The title of the first chapter is reassuring, isn’t it?—‘We Are Within the Purpose of a Loving Creator.’ After telling something of the grand qualities of God as Creator, the book shows how he got the first man and woman off to a fine start in the paradise of Eden. We learn how Adam and Eve lost this paradise home, not only for themselves, but also for their offspring, including us. But right after this God stated his ‘eternal purpose’ to do away with the effects of sin and death. The book traces the history of this developing purpose to the coming of Christ, and shows how we can benefit from the provisions made through him. God’s purpose to have perfect men and women on earth serving him forever will not go unfulfilled. We invite you to obtain this book so you can read how you personally can live in God’s paradise earth, soon to be a reality. This copy can be yours for just 25 cents.”
7 You may prefer to use another approach that you have found effective. The important thing is to appeal to the heart.