Branch Letter
Dear Kingdom Publishers:
Once again during a month when we were distributing tracts, we reached a fine new peak of publishers. The report for May showed 560,897 sharing in the field service. That is 6,640 more than our previous peak, and 114,167 more than reported field service just two years previous! Truly delightful! We are very happy to see so many persons moved by a growing love for Jehovah to join with us in proclaiming the good news.
Brother Knorr has just returned from Europe, where he visited six branches. He told the Bethel family about the wonderful progress that the brothers are making in France, with a new peak of 64,091 publishers. Recently when the brothers there were invited to share in a TV program, they had a good time putting on a lively home Bible study for a national audience. During May, Germany was sharing in tract distribution, and they reached a new peak of 100,351 publishers. New peaks were also reported from Switzerland (10,060), Italy (50,488), Spain (30,679) and Portugal (16,183).
In Berne, Switzerland, Brother Knorr spoke to 4,113 brothers. In a bullring in Spain, there were 15,649 present for a meeting with him on June 12, and 10,875 packed out a large basketball stadium in Portugal. All the brothers everywhere are joyful in their service and enthusiastic about aiding others to benefit from Jehovah’s patience by gaining salvation.
On the zone trip in Scandinavia, Brother Henschel was privileged to participate in meetings with 15,938 in Denmark, 8,553 in Finland, 12,065 in Sweden, and 6,156 in Norway. Brothers are very active in northern Europe and all territory in these countries is assigned for working this summer. Many new Kingdom Halls are being opened. It was also his privilege to speak to 3,640 at Klagenfurt, Austria. Austria reports a peak of 12,256 publishers for May, an increase of 11.7 percent.
We hope that all of you brothers who have attended one of the fine district assemblies have been richly rewarded in a spiritual way. May firm faith in the certainty of the fulfillment of Jehovah’s word continue to strengthen all of us.
Be assured of our warm Christian love and best wishes.
Your brothers,