Your Share in Field Service
1 Is there an urgent need to share in field service today? Yes! The command to “make disciples” has more force now than at any other time since it was given near the beginning of the Common Era, because the Bible indicates that those who are destroyed at the approaching “great tribulation” will perish forever. (2 Thess. 1:9) So, whatever our circumstances or privileges in the congregation, we should all endeavor to share in helping others to come into the right relationship with Jehovah.—Matt. 28:19, 20.
2 To share effectively in field service, good planning is necessary. It is beneficial to set time aside to share regularly at convenient times each week, if at all possible. A good schedule allows you to accomplish much more and your regularity will be a source of encouragement to others who may work with you. If you normally share in field service only on weekdays, perhaps you can adjust things occasionally so you can benefit by working with one of the elders or others on a weekend.
3 While the elders in a congregation have much to do in the shepherding work, they are also to be “examples to the flock,” and that includes their taking the lead in the field service. (1 Pet. 5:3) So elders should endeavor to balance their shepherding with field activity, giving due consideration to each. Balance is required, since there may be a tendency for any one of us to select what seems to be easiest to do, rather than what is most in need of attention.
4 But how can elders take the lead in field activity without neglecting shepherding work? Some elders make appointments to work in field service with publishers who need encouragement and offer them counsel as they walk between doors, thereby combining the shepherding and house-to-house work very nicely. Others may alternate weekends between shepherding and field service or they may work with the group from house to house for an hour or so and then visit publishers. After working with a group in rural territory, an elder may leave them in a town or more populated area, make shepherding calls in the vicinity and then return before the territory is completed to pick up the publishers.
5 Yes, now is the time to have a fine share in letting people hear, whether they ignore the warning or respond and become disciples. (Ezek. 33:7-9) This urgent and purposeful work brings great blessings. (2 Cor. 9:6) A strong advocate of God’s kingdom will, as a result of his activity, see himself and his congregation spiritually strengthened.