“Now Is the Especially Acceptable Time”!
1 Yes, NOW is the time! Time for what? Time for sheeplike persons to be accepted into Jehovah’s favor. The door is still open! The hearts of people are still being turned toward Jehovah in the time yet remaining. And Jehovah, in effect, has said to them: “‘In an acceptable time I heard you, and in a day of salvation I helped you.’ Look! Now is the especially acceptable time. Look! Now is the day of salvation.”—2 Cor. 6:2.
2 How should God’s patience affect us? It should move us to do our utmost while God’s “day of salvation” continues. Jesus said: “We must work the works of him that sent me while it is day.” (John 9:4) So we must work while we are still “in an acceptable time” for God to hear people. Paul asks: “How . . . will they hear without someone to preach?”—Rom. 10:14.
3 How many more opportunities will your relatives, workmates, children and neighbors have to hear, as Jehovah’s “acceptable time” runs out? Paul said: “‘Today if you people listen to his own voice, do not harden your hearts. . . .’” (Heb. 3:15) While these words were directed to Hebrew Christians, they should also have meaning to those now needing to hear the good news. Tomorrow may be too late for some. So we must continue to search from door to door for those whom Jehovah will yet accept and draw to himself. Jehovah, in this “day of salvation,” is still allowing time for that.
4 What about people in our territory who were not at home or were busy when we called? As long as Jehovah’s “day of salvation” continues, there will be further opportunity for some of these to have Jehovah’s favor. Yes, working “not at homes” and making a concerted effort to search out every deserving one are still highly important.—Matt. 10:11.
5 Are you alert to opportunities to witness informally? It is having something in common with a person that often provides just the opportunity for “a word spoken at the right time.” (Prov. 25:11) It may be easy to start a conversation with a neighbor, workmate or relative and then turn it toward the truth. For many, vacation time is an especially good time for informal witnessing. We may visit loved ones whom we see no other time of the year. A few ‘words at the right time’ could bring a favorable response.
6 Let us not forget the silent witness we give. Yes, our conduct at all times should adorn the truth, recommending it to others. After discussing Jehovah’s “acceptable time,” Paul’s next words were: “In no way are we giving any cause for stumbling . . . but in every way we recommend ourselves as God’s ministers.” (2 Cor. 6:3, 4) May Jehovah bless our efforts to help others see that NOW is the “especially acceptable time” for salvation!