Is Your Witnessing Purposeful?
1 What do Jesus’ words at Matthew 24:14 and 28:19, 20 mean to you? As disciples of God’s Son, do we see the urgent need not only to proclaim the “good news,” but also to make disciples of responsive ones, teaching them to observe the commandments of Jesus? The carrying out of this commission puts real purpose into the work that we do in the field service. We will approach people not only to place literature, but also to discuss the Bible with them. Our main objective will be to start Bible studies with persons in order to help them to become true disciples. With this in mind, we will take note of those who show even a little interest in the Kingdom message.
2 Our attitude is important. Do we really want to make a disciple for Christ? Are we willing to put forth the effort? Instead of simply spending a little time in the field service once in a while, are we willing to set aside time on a regular basis to conduct a Bible study? Doing so, we will find our witnessing will become more purposeful.
3 Do we make the finding of sheeplike ones and the desire for a Bible study a subject of our prayers? (1 John 5:14) After praying, do we become easily discouraged if such prayers seemingly go unanswered for a time? Or, do we persevere in our prayers and work in harmony with what we are praying for?
4 We realize, of course, that not everyone is going to agree to have a home Bible study. Often those to whom we talk do not appreciate the Kingdom message. Is that going to make us give up? Just think how Jeremiah felt when preaching for 40 years with very little response. He got discouraged, but he also got over it and kept on doing the work that Jehovah had assigned to him. (Jer. 20:9) It was not his privilege to help large numbers of persons to change their course and do Jehovah’s will, but he did see fruitage from his labors. Ebedmelech and the sons of Jonadab were spared when Jerusalem was destroyed.
5 Similarly, in our day, there are publishers who have engaged in the field service for many years, seemingly with very limited results. However, because of their perseverance, they have been privileged to aid a few, in various ways, to take hold of the truth, and so these too have the prospect of deliverance, at the coming “great tribulation.” Constancy in Jehovah’s service, along with a genuine interest in helping people, has brought them much joy.
6 Now, what about yourself? Undoubtedly there are publishers that you know who are having good success in disciple-making. Why not invite them to share with you some of their methods and viewpoints toward their service? No doubt this would be very encouraging to you as you endeavor to increase your own effectiveness and joy in disciple-making.
7 It has been noted that those most successful in making disciples are those interested in people more than hours or placements. They are ‘people-conscious’ and Bible-study conscious. At each door, where possible, some of them say to the householder: “We are calling to offer a free home Bible study and are prepared to give you a brief demonstration of how it would be conducted.” This may be very effective. On one occasion, a publisher in the house-to-house work was asked by the householder soon after he began his presentation: “What do you want? Get to the point.” So the publisher answered: “I would like to offer you a free home Bible study.” The householder accepted it.
8 Do you have a positive attitude toward disciple-making through Bible study activity? Truly, putting forth the effort to make disciples can bring us many rewards and blessings.