Presenting the Good News—By Developing Magazine Routes
1 While participating in the field service, we often find individuals who enjoy the magazines and will take them regularly but, for some reason, they do not want to subscribe. Some have personal objections to receiving magazines through the mail and having their name on a mailing list, but they are glad to receive the magazines on a regular basis when someone calls. Magazine routes can often be established with such individuals.—Organization book, pp. 117, 118.
2 How can we develop such magazine calls? First, we should endeavor to be out in service regularly each week. It is helpful to build a foundation for our next call by offering to stop in a week or two to see if the householder enjoyed the magazines. Then we will want to record the necessary information on our house-to-house record, including the householder’s name, address, date of visit, issues placed and article or subject featured.
3 On returning, you could say: “Good morning, [use householder’s personal name]. I have come to comment further on the article [mention article featured on previous call].” Whether the householder says he has read the article or not, you could then state: “In this current issue there is an interesting article on [refer to specific article]. As you recall, they are only 20c. I am sure that you will benefit greatly from them.”
4 There are advantages to having a magazine route. By calling regularly you get acquainted with people and can often build up a warm, friendly relationship. You have the opportunity to stimulate interest by leaving the current magazines for them to read and by your brief discussion each time you call. Once sufficient interest is kindled, you will find it is possible to start Bible studies with some of those on your route; or, the individual or family called upon may see the advantages of having personal subscriptions to the magazines.
5 We encourage you to spend some time on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month, developing and caring for such magazine route calls. Even young publishers will enjoy regularly bringing the Watchtower and Awake! magazines to interested persons. Keep in mind that each time you deliver the magazines, a return visit can be counted
6 To establish a magazine route requires persistence. The results, however, are rewarding. Do you have a magazine route? If not, we encourage you to try the suggestions outlined above and to use to the full this way of dispensing spiritual food by means of the magazines.