Presenting the Good News—By Returning to Visit New Subscribers
1 Do you view new subscribers to The Watchtower and Awake! as potential disciples? Experience teaches us that new subscribers may readily respond to an offer to study the Bible with them. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Many have become disciples after first subscribing to the magazines. But the interest had to be developed and cultivated by regular Bible discussions. These individuals are now in a fine position to aid many more. Your initial call can pave the way for return visits to build faith in the Bible. How can you accomplish that? What will you say?
2 On the initial visit why not try to lay the groundwork for a future call? Often it is helpful to raise a thought-provoking question and state that when you return you would like to take just a few minutes to demonstrate how the magazines help to provide the Bible answer. Jot down on your personal record not only what you discussed but also the householder’s response. Make a notation of any information about the individual’s viewpoint or circumstance that will aid you when you return. If possible, arrange for an appointment to return and then be sure to keep it. Do not wait too long before returning.
3 To assure that such return visits result in fine home Bible studies, it is necessary to give careful advance thought to what you will say. This need not take a lot of time. To do this you will need to check your house-to-house record, review the article you highlighted and locate the paragraph in the article or a text cited therein that answers the question you raised. You may also like to select an appropriate point or two from a related subject in Bible Topics for Discussion, such as “Kingdom” or “Last Days.” Help the householder to see how the material contained in the magazines along with the Bible can build faith in God and his sure promises of a new earth.—Rom. 10:11.
4 Perhaps you are somewhat hesitant about making return visits, never having done this before. In addition to trying the above suggestion, you may also simply encourage the person to read the magazines. Some publishers have obtained good results by taking just a few minutes at the door to read a preselected paragraph or two. In this way they whet the individual’s appetite to learn more. Others will explain the stated purpose of The Watchtower—“Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom”—by using texts such as Psalm 83:18, Isaiah 9:6, 7 or Daniel 2:44. Before concluding your call you may wish to review with the householder the new points learned. This will illustrate how much can be learned from such regular, brief Bible discussions. It only takes a few minutes to call back on new subscribers but in that way you can keep their spiritual interests alive.
5 When it seems appropriate, focus their attention on one of the books or booklets that can be used for a regular home Bible study. Depending on the interest shown, this may be done either on the very first call or after several visits. Whatever you choose to do, usually the best results will come when you have carefully planned your call.—2 Cor. 2:17.
6 More and more persons are subscribing for the magazines and reading them regularly. Plan now to cultivate the interest you find. Set aside a specific day or time to return, if that is possible. If you feel timid about doing this, seek the assistance of other experienced publishers. Make it your determination to call back on all new subscribers and help them to continue partaking of life-sustaining spiritual truth.—Rev. 22:17; Rom. 10:13-15.