Presenting the Good News—With Older Publications
1 Truth does not lose its value with age. The truths stored in our heart and mind regarding God’s Kingdom are like priceless treasures, some old, some new. Christ Jesus exhorted his disciples to ‘bring out’ these new and old Kingdom truths in their work as ‘public instructors.’ (Matt. 13:52) Similarly today, Christ’s “faithful and discreet slave” has provided a variety of publications from which we have learned many things regarding the Kingdom. Some are new, some are old; but do you not agree that all our literature contains valuable information that can benefit the public? If so, then you will want to share in bringing out these printed Kingdom truths to the people in your territory during the month of March.
2 The elders in your congregation will determine what older books are available and should be featured. They will announce this, and the brother overseeing the literature supplies will make them available to you. Be sure to pick up your supplies from the literature counter if you do not have them already. Bear in mind, though, that whatever literature we offer to the public should be clean and presentable.
3 When using the Topic for Conversation, “Living Forever—Not Just a Dream!,” how will you present the literature offer? We believe that no matter which publications you offer, somewhere within their pages they will have comments dealing with the prize of everlasting life in a Paradise earth. Take a few moments to review the contents of the books you will present and decide what you will highlight following your Scriptural discussion.
4 You may have many booklets in stock. If so, why not make an effort this month to carry some of these in your witnessing bag? If we have the subjects of the booklets in mind we will be ready to offer one of them to a person who manifests interest in a particular subject.
5 Would you like to see the persons with whom you study the Bible deepen their Scriptural understanding and knowledge? Why not recommend that they read some of the older books? And, if you are newly associated with Jehovah’s organization and have not read some of these publications yourself, you may wish to add these to your library and read them or use them for reference as you have opportunity.
6 If the congregation is overstocked with some publications and the elders decide that they will not be used within a reasonable time, then they may let other congregations in the area know what they have. To facilitate this, the circuit overseer can be given a list of the overstocked literature and he can inform other congregations as to what is available. For details regarding transfers of literature from one congregation to another, see page 8 of the current Watchtower Cost List.
7 It is our prayer that the many fine books and booklets presently in our home or Kingdom Hall will be brought out and used this month of March to instruct those of the public who want to hear the good news of God’s Kingdom.