Blood Booklet to Be Studied
1 The booklet Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Question of Blood will be considered at the Congregation Book Study for the weeks of June 26 through August 7, 1988. Study questions to be used are found in this month’s Our Kingdom Ministry insert.
2 This booklet, first published in 1977, contains information that is of vital interest to Jehovah’s Witnesses as well as to others who wish to adhere to what God’s Word has to say about the sanctity of blood. Consideration of the Blood booklet at this time will be of particular benefit to the many new ones in the congregation who may not have studied this information previously. It will help everyone to be better equipped to face any emergency situation that may arise as a challenge to our Scriptural stand on the continuing issue of blood transfusions.
3 Very likely your congregation has on hand sufficient booklets to provide a copy for each one attending the study. If not, the service overseer should immediately endeavor to obtain additional copies from nearby congregations rather than order from the Society. Many congregations have a large supply of the Blood booklet, and these can be transferred to other congregations in the area by using the Transfer of Literature form (S-19) as explained in paragraph 40 of the Cost List. Circuit overseers may be in a position to help the brothers in this regard. Of course, if the booklets are not available locally, they may be ordered from the Society along with other literature. Please do not order in excess of your needs for the scheduled book studies.
4 All publishers are encouraged to prepare well and to be present each week for the consideration of this important information. Be sure to invite newly interested ones to attend also, and arrange for them to have their own copy of the Blood booklet for this consideration.