● Literature offer for November: New World Translation with the “Kingdom Come” book for a contribution of $5.00. December: My Book of Bible Stories or You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth for a contribution of $3.00. Small-size Live Forever book is $1.50. The brochure “Look! I Am Making All Things New” may be offered for a contribution of 30¢ when regular offer is not accepted. January and February: Any 192-page book published prior to 1980, for contribution of 50¢. Books reprinted on better-grade paper not to be used in this offer. Alternate offer for congregations that do not have older books: Happiness—How to Find It or “Let Your Kingdom Come” for a contribution of $1.00 each.
● From time to time the Society receives inquiries from publishers in the United States who are considering naturalization. Whether one should apply for U.S. citizenship or not is entirely a personal decision. It is not necessary to be a citizen of a particular country in order to be baptized or to preach the good news of the Kingdom. Each individual must make his own final decision. A factor to consider is whether the naturalization law may require one to violate Bible principles and conscience. The Society’s publications in the past have commented on the general topics of oaths and citizenship. Sufficient information to assist one who is making a decision on citizenship is provided by examining these topics in the Watch Tower Publications Index 1930-1985.
● Congregations should begin ordering the 1989 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses on their November literature orders. (See the 1988 Cost List, paragraphs 7-10.) The Yearbook will be available in Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. Until the Yearbook is available and shipments are made, it will appear as “Back Ordered” on congregation invoices. Yearbooks are controlled stock items (See the Cost List, paragraphs 23-25.) and will cost $1.00 for congregation and public; 50¢ for pioneers. Regular and special pioneers on the list before July 1, 1988, may receive a free copy for which the congregation may request credit.
● Each issue of Awake! during 1989 will contain a progressive segment of a series entitled “Religion’s Future in View of Its Past.” These articles will examine the future of religion by taking a look back at religion’s history and applying the principle of cause and effect. Publishers are encouraged to make well-prepared presentations and feature this information whenever appropriate. In this way, people who are concerned with the decline of religion today can be helped to learn of the Kingdom hope.
● No arrangements are being made for public talks to be given on the book Revelation—Its Grand Climax at Hand!
● New Publications Available:
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—1985 Edition (Deluxe edition), available in black or maroon—German
Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!—Bassa (Cameroon), Bena, Boulou, Douala, Maltese, Medumba
● New Cassette Recordings Available:
Jeremiah, Lamentations (set of five; congregation and public: $7.50; pioneers: $6.25)—German
Album with complete Greek Scriptures (set of 18 cassettes in album; congregation and public: $30.00; pioneers: $20.00)—Italian
Ezekiel (set of five; congregation and public: $7.50; pioneers: $6.25)—Spanish