Theocratic News
◆ Bolivia reported a new peak of 6,701 publishers in July. Despite cold winter weather, congregation publishers averaged 14.2 hours in the service.
◆ Côte d’Ivoire reported a new peak of 3,070 publishers for July. There were 717 publishers in the pioneer work, which was 23 percent of the publishers. The pioneers are conducting 51 percent of the Bible studies.
◆ Ecuador continues to see fine growth. The new peak of 15,201 publishers in July is a 20-percent increase over last year’s average. Auxiliary pioneers increased 66 percent over the same month a year ago.
◆ The district convention in French Guiana was attended by 1,425, and 28 were baptized. They had a peak of 570 publishers.
◆ Guadeloupe reported that 12,339 attended the district conventions, and 308 were baptized. This is excellent compared with their peak of 5,980 publishers.
◆ New Zealand had a 10-percent increase in July with a new peak of 11,007 publishers.