Meetings for Field Service
New Topic for Conversation
1. How will you introduce it?
2. What key thoughts will you emphasize?
3. How will you tie in the offer?
APRIL 8-14
Why is it good to be flexible
1. In house-to-house discussions?
2. When offering literature?
3. In working with a partner?
APRIL 15-21
How can you show consideration for
1. Busy householders?
2. Elderly or infirm householders?
3. New or elderly publishers?
APRIL 22-28
How do you
1. Help a new publisher prepare for field service?
2. Prepare your book bag?
3. Prepare to make return visits?
How can we show respect for the
1. Bible and our literature?
2. Householder and his property?
3. Field service group?