Meetings for Field Service
September 30–October 6: Featuring Awake! magazine
(a) How will you connect Topic for Conversation with offer? (b) What information on pages 4 and 5 of each issue can be used?
October 7-13: Introductions
(a) Why is it important to have an effective introduction? (rs p. 9)
(b) What introduction do you use?
October 14-20: With Topic for Conversation
(a) How would you reason if householder says he has his own religion? (rs pp. 18-19)
(b) What would you say if householder tells you he is not interested? (rs p. 16)
October 21-27: Return visits
(a) What preparation is needed?
(b) How do you introduce yourself when calling back?
October 28–November 3: Using November offer
(a) What advantages of the New World Translation can be featured?
(b) What specific points from the God’s Word book can be highlighted?