Simple and Effective Presentations
1 Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of God in a simple and straightforward manner. He knew that sheeplike ones would react favorably when they heard the truth. He also knew that people differ in their thinking, interests, and reasoning ability. Accordingly, he used a variety of uncomplicated introductions, questions, and illustrations in order to capture the attention of his listeners and to touch their hearts. We can imitate his example and make good use of simple and effective presentations.
2 Use the Reasoning Book Effectively: The first introduction under the heading “Employment/Housing” on page 11 of the Reasoning book is timely and easy to present.
You might say:
◼ “We’ve been talking with your neighbors about what can be done to assure that there will be employment and housing for everyone. Do you believe that it is reasonable to expect that human governments will accomplish this? . . . But there is someone who knows how to solve these problems; that is mankind’s Creator.” Read Isaiah 65:21-23. Then you could ask the householder how that sounds to him.
3 The introduction under the heading “Injustice/Suffering” on page 12 will appeal to many today.
You could ask:
◼ “Have you ever wondered: Does God really care about the injustice and suffering that humans experience?” Allow householder to answer and then read Ecclesiastes 4:1 and Psalm 72:12-14. If it is appropriate to feature the Live Forever book, turn to the pictures on pages 150-3 and briefly show how world conditions today are a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Then turn to pages 161-2 to show what God has further foretold for man’s blessing. Ask the householder which aspect appeals to him most.
4 After a brief discussion with the householder, you may decide that it will be more appropriate to direct his attention to an article in one of the magazines, to a brochure, or to a tract than to the Live Forever book.
For example, after using the introduction in paragraph 2 of this article, you might say:
◼ “This brochure, Does God Really Care About Us?, clearly explains what God has promised to do to care for our daily needs and shows how we can benefit.” Turn to pages 26 and 27 of the brochure, and call attention to paragraph 21.
5 Or after using the introduction in paragraph 3, the tract Will This World Survive? could be highlighted.
You might say:
◼ “There is so much misery and trouble in the world today. This tract shows that war, food shortages, and health problems were all prophesied in the Bible. But God has also promised to bring about a marvelous change for mankind.” Read the last paragraph on page 5 of the tract.
6 Our sincere interest in people, coupled with a simple and effective presentation that touches the heart, will surely appeal to sheeplike ones.—John 10:16.