Featuring Brochures to Search Out Interested Ones
1 Brochures are powerful instruments. In just 32 pages, a brochure can firmly establish Scriptural truths and overturn reasonings and teachings contrary to the knowledge of God.—2 Cor. 10:5.
2 After reading the brochure Jehovah’s Witnesses—Unitedly Doing God’s Will Worldwide, a man was moved to write: “I have never seen such organization. . . . It is marvelous to find people who take God’s will so seriously in this age of so much religious hypocrisy.” A witch doctor in Africa studied the brochure Enjoy Life on Earth Forever! What effect did it have on him? He gave up his witch doctor practice and dismissed the women he lived with except his senior wife. Then he legally married her.
3 The brochure Should You Believe in the Trinity? is a well-documented, reasonable, and effective instrument of truth. Commenting on it, a religion writer for The Sunday Gleaner in Jamaica, West Indies, said: “The publication . . . is a masterstroke of the Witnesses and now no Trinitarian—or binatarian—is safe. The booklet piles quotation upon quotation from historical and theological sources to show that the Trinity doctrine was not derived from the Bible. . . . It is most difficult for this religion writer to see how the average—or even above average church member—can answer the compelling and commanding arguments marshaled by the Witnesses against the view that Jesus is God.”
4 Use Them Well: To be effective, these attractive and authoritative instruments must be placed with people who will read them. Since we have various brochures, each dealing with a different theme, we should endeavor to offer the one that we judge most appropriate for the individual we are witnessing to. Knowing our brochures and having a variety of them at hand will make it easier for us to use them well, whether in field service, at home, or elsewhere.
5 For example, if speaking to someone who is confused about Christendom’s Trinity doctrine or who may think that Jesus is God, which brochure would you use? If someone questions why a loving God would permit so much suffering, which brochure would meet the need? If a person expresses concern about the need for a government that benefits people, what might be the right brochure for him?
6 In addition to knowing which brochure to use, endeavor to whet the appetite of the person about its contents. If circumstances permit, point out a comment or illustration that might stimulate his interest in reading the material. Or you could read a paragraph or two with him, look up cited texts, and discuss the material. Many fine Bible studies have been started this way.
7 Our brochures provide Scriptural answers and instill hope in those who sigh and groan over the detestable things being done in the world. (Compare Ezekiel 9:4.) People who are sheeplike will respond to the message such literature contains. It is our privilege to make good use of the brochures in all features of our ministry as we search out interested ones.