Follow Up All Interest to Benefit Others
1 What is the key factor that helps us determine whether or not we should leave our literature with someone? Interest! The same is true when it comes to making return visits. Whenever someone shows even a little interest in the Kingdom message, we want to do whatever we can to benefit that person. So we make return visits with the objective of cultivating the person’s interest and starting a home Bible study. This is our goal even when we do not leave literature. How can this be done?
2 If your previous conversation was about the prevalence of marriage problems today and you left the “Live Forever” book, you could open your conversation this way:
◼ “On my previous visit, we talked about marriage and practical Bible counsel that can help us find greater happiness. Isn’t it true that even in the best of families, problems arise from time to time? [Allow for response.] The Bible gives us excellent counsel that can help us resolve problems in family relationships. A family can be blessed by studying the Bible together.” Turn to page 246, and discuss paragraph 23. Read John 17:3, and offer your assistance in helping the family to begin studying the Bible in the home.
3 If you spoke about children and their need for training, you might continue the discussion in this manner:
◼ “Previously we spoke about the spiritual training that children need and how parents can help them. Most parents I have spoken to are alarmed about the bad conduct of so many young people today. What do you think about . . . ? [Mention an example of youthful misconduct often observed in your community. Allow for response.] Let me show you some of the practical advice given in the Bible.” Turn to paragraph 22 on page 246 in the Live Forever book, discuss the main point, and read Ephesians 6:4. Point out that most children actually want discipline and guidance. When parents are diligent in providing it, the children are happier and more respectful in their conduct. Explain how we study the Bible with our children.
4 If the subject of your conversation was the Paradise earth, then you might say this to rekindle the interest:
◼ “We looked at some illustrations in this book that showed us what the earth will be like when God makes it into a paradise. It would mean little to us if we could not enjoy it with our loved ones. Wouldn’t you agree?” Allow for response. Then turn to page 162 in the Live Forever book. Read Revelation 21:3, 4, and explain how our loved ones can always be with us. If there is good response, read John 5:28, 29 to show that the dead will return to life. Point to the cover of the book and say: “It’s really true—we can live forever in Paradise on earth!” Arrange for another visit to discuss why we know it is near.
5 The main purpose of a return visit is to help interested persons benefit from the Kingdom message. Most people need a stimulus to whet their appetite for spiritual things. Direct their attention to specific points of practical value in the literature, stressing how it can help them to understand the Bible better. Return visits that accomplish these goals will help others to benefit themselves in the best way possible.