New Special Assembly Day Program
1 “Be Persons Taught by Jehovah” is the theme for the new special assembly day program starting in September. (John 6:45) Divine teaching from Jehovah truly helps us to live satisfying lives. It develops within us a keen appreciation for our spiritual heritage. Our efforts to help others hear the good news make us useful members of society. This special assembly day will highlight the blessings that are enjoyed by persons taught by Jehovah.
2 The program will contrast the benefits of divine teaching with the dangers of worldly learning. We will see more clearly how Jehovah provides the highest form of education—education based on his Word, the Bible. Emphasis will be placed on three areas of worship in which we experience delight in being taught by God. Additionally, youths will be encouraged to imitate outstanding Bible examples such as David and Timothy and to build their lives around spiritual activities. Our faith will be strengthened as the loyalty of older ones is also highlighted. Newly dedicated ones who qualify will be able to get baptized. Well in advance of the assembly day, they should inform the presiding overseer of that desire.
3 The main discourse of the special assembly day is entitled “Taught by Jehovah to Do His Will.” It will stress reasons why all of us need to keep learning, to be stabilized in the faith, and to continue making advancement. We will be urged to imitate Jehovah by teaching others the truth that leads to everlasting life. Upbuilding experiences will be included to show how the publications of the Society have helped many to be taught by Jehovah. The positive accomplishments of Jehovah’s global teaching program will be highlighted.
4 Make definite plans to attend. Encourage all interested ones to be present. Look forward to being taught many good things by our Grand Instructor.—Isa. 30:20.