Take Delight in Giving a Thorough Witness
1 All of us enjoy doing the things we do well. Mark 7:37 says that the multitudes declared regarding Jesus: “He has done all things well.” No wonder that Jesus took delight in doing Jehovah’s will! (Compare Psalm 40:8.) By giving thought to the following suggestions, we likewise will find joy as we obey Jesus’ order “to preach to the people and to give a thorough witness.” (Acts 10:42) In January we are offering any 192-page book published prior to 1985 that the congregation may have in stock or the Live Forever book. How may we use these publications to give a thorough witness?
2 Since people are often concerned about health issues, you might say this:
◼ “Despite significant accomplishments made in the field of medicine, there is much suffering because of illness. In your opinion, why is this? [Allow for response.] Jesus Christ said that pestilence would be a feature of the last days. (Luke 21:11) Yet the Bible also describes a time when sickness will be no more. [Read Isaiah 33:24.] Notice how this handbook inspires hope in that basic Bible teaching.” Highlight appropriate comments in the book that you are featuring, and offer it. Explain that we will accept a modest donation toward our worldwide ministry.
3 When witnessing informally near shopping areas, you could offer a greeting and then ask:
◼ “Does it seem to you that things are getting so expensive these days that it is difficult to make ends meet? [Allow for response.] Do you think a time will ever come when there will be true economic security?” Allow for response. Then feature an appropriate Scripture quotation from the book you are offering. Continue by saying: “This book shows how, by means of his Kingdom, God will solve the problems that make life so difficult today.” Offer the book, and if it is accepted, give the person an opportunity to support the worldwide work with a small voluntary donation. You might state how much you enjoyed the conversation and then ask: “Is there any way we can continue this conversation at another time?” In this way you may be able to obtain the person’s telephone number or home address.
4 You may have opportunity to try this presentation about world peace, using the “Live Forever” book:
◼ “Why, in your opinion, is world peace so hard to attain? [Allow for response, then show illustration on pages 20-1.] This is a picture of a Bible event described in Revelation. [Read Revelation 12:7-9, 12 directly from paragraph 17. Then read the caption that goes with the picture.] The world’s lack of peace is one of the effects of the Devil’s being cast down to the earth. This book answers many important questions, and I am happy to make it available to you if you will read it.”—To find other effective ways of presenting the Live Forever book, see the back page of the September 1995, February 1995, September 1994, September 1993, and August 1992 issues of Our Kingdom Ministry.
5 When returning to see those who show interest, you could endeavor to start a Bible study by adapting this approach:
◼ “The last time we spoke, you made a very interesting observation. [Mention a comment the individual made.] I have been thinking about that, and I would like to share the results of some research I did on the subject. [Share an appropriate scripture.] We offer to conduct a free study course that has enabled millions of people to explore the basic teachings of the Bible in a short period of time. Such an examination can build your confidence in the certain fulfillment of God’s promises.” Highlight some questions that will be answered. If the person declines the offer of a Bible study, explain that we also have a special accelerated course that only takes 15 minutes a week for 16 weeks. Show the Require brochure, turn to lesson 1, and ask if you may demonstrate the first lesson.
6 Remember to Use Handbills: They could be used effectively in your introduction to stimulate interest in spiritual matters, or they may be left if no literature is accepted. Where there is interest, use the printed message on the back of the handbill to encourage the person to accept a home Bible study and to come to our meetings.
7 Be skillful at your work, and you will be joyful in it. Pay constant attention to giving a thorough witness, and take delight in performing all facets of the ministry well.—1 Tim. 4:16.