Question Box
◼ Why should we give special attention to our dress and grooming when visiting the Society’s facilities in Brooklyn, Patterson, and Wallkill, New York, and branch offices throughout the world?
Christians are expected to maintain proper decorum. At all times our dress and grooming should reflect the decency and dignity that befit servants of Jehovah God. This is especially true when visiting the Society’s facilities in New York and at branches around the world.
During 1998, district and international conventions will be held. Thousands of our brothers from many lands will visit the Society’s headquarters in New York as well as branches in other countries. Not only when visiting these facilities but at any other time as well, we need to ‘recommend ourselves as God’s ministers in every way,’ including our appropriate dress and grooming.—2 Cor. 6:3, 4.
In discussing the importance of proper dress and grooming, Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry comments on the need for physical cleanness, modest dress, and good grooming when we engage in the field ministry and attend Christian meetings. Then, on page 131, paragraph 2, it states: “The same would apply when visiting the Bethel home at Brooklyn or any of the Society’s branch offices. Remember, the name Bethel means ‘House of God,’ so our dress, grooming and conduct should be similar to what is expected of us when attending meetings for worship at the Kingdom Hall.” This same high standard should be observed by Kingdom publishers from the local area as well as those from more distant places who come to see and associate with members of the Bethel family and to visit the branch facilities.
Our clothing should have a positive influence on others as to how they view the true worship of Jehovah. However, it has been noted that when visiting the Society’s facilities, some brothers and sisters tend to be extremely casual in their dress. Such dress is not appropriate when visiting any of the Bethel homes. In this matter, as in all other aspects of our Christian life, we desire to maintain the same high standards that distinguish God’s people from the world by our doing all things for God’s glory. (Rom. 12:2; 1 Cor. 10:31) It is also good to speak with our Bible students and others who may be visiting Bethel for the first time and remind them of the importance of giving attention to proper dress and grooming.
So when visiting the Society’s facilities, ask yourself: ‘Is my dress and grooming modest?’ (Compare Micah 6:8.) ‘Does it reflect well on the God that I worship? Would others be distracted or offended by my appearance? Am I setting the proper example for others who may be visiting for the first time?’ May we always, by our dress and grooming, “adorn the teaching of our Savior, God, in all things.”—Titus 2:10.