◼ Literature offer for August: Any of the following 32-page brochures may be used: Does God Really Care About Us?, Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!, Should You Believe in the Trinity?, The Government That Will Bring Paradise, What Is the Purpose of Life—How Can You Find It?, and When Someone You Love Dies. The brochures A Book for All People, Our Problems—Who Will Help Us Solve Them?, Spirits of the Dead—Can They Help You or Harm You? Do They Really Exist?, and Will There Ever Be a World Without War? may be offered where appropriate. September: Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. October: Individual copies of The Watchtower and Awake! Where interest is found on return visits, subscriptions may be offered. November: Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life.
◼ An adequate supply of forms for use during the 1999 service year is being sent to each congregation. Please use these forms with discretion. They should be used only for their intended purpose.
◼ Each congregation will receive three Literature Inventory forms (S(d)-18). The congregation secretary should meet with the literature servant early in August and set a date for taking inventory of the congregation’s stock of literature at the end of the month. An actual count must be made of all literature in stock, and the totals are to be entered on the Literature Inventory form. The total number of magazines on hand can be obtained from the magazine servant. Please mail the original to the Society no later than September 6. Keep a carbon copy for your files. The third copy may be used as a work sheet. The inventory should be supervised by the secretary, and the completed form should be checked by the presiding overseer. The secretary and the presiding overseer will sign the form.
◼ Congregations should begin requesting the 1999 Calendar of Jehovah’s Witnesses with their September literature request. The calendars will be available in Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian.
◼ From August 28, 1998, to August 31, 1998, the Society will be taking an inventory of all literature on hand in Brooklyn. Because of this inventory, no congregation literature requests will be processed for shipment or for pickup during those days.
◼ The Congregation Service Committee should give prompt attention to all applications for regular pioneer service. The service committee should not hold an application to see if the one applying is able to meet the hour requirement. The appointment date may be automatically changed on applications received after the requested date. Retroactive appointments are not made unless there are significant extenuating circumstances. If such circumstances exist, a letter should accompany the application.—See the August 1986 Our Kingdom Ministry insert, paragraphs 24-6.
◼ A series of brochures will be considered in the Congregation Book Study upon completion of The Bible—God’s Word or Man’s? An announcement in the May 1998 issue of Our Kingdom Ministry stated that starting the week of September 21, the Require brochure will be used. This will be followed by a consideration of What Is the Purpose of Life—How Can You Find It? and Does God Really Care About Us?
◼ New Publications Available:
Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation?—Hebrew
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (large size)—Greek
The Government That Will Bring Paradise—Georgian
Watch Tower Publications Index 1986-1995—Italian
Watch Tower Publications Index 1996—Japanese, Spanish
What Does God Require of Us?—Wolof
◼ New Audiocassettes Available:
Album of Hebrew Scriptures—Volume 2; Judges to 2 Chronicles (19 cassettes)—Japanese
Album of Hebrew Scriptures—Volume 3; Ezra to Isaiah (18 cassettes)—Japanese
Album of Hebrew Scriptures—Volume 4; Jeremiah to Malachi (16 cassettes)—Japanese
The Secret of Family Happiness (five cassettes in an album)—Swedish