We Benefited From the “God’s Way of Life” Conventions
1 Just a few months ago, we were making plans to attend the 1998 “God’s Way of Life” District and International Conventions. Now they have become memorable milestones in the theocratic history of the organization. We thoroughly enjoyed the rich spiritual food that we received at those outstanding gatherings.
2 The international aspect of this year’s conventions was really thrilling. Whether missionaries and other delegates from foreign lands were present where we attended or not, all of us heard fine experiences in the Friday afternoon part entitled “Service in the Missionary Field.” The daily “Reports on Progress of the Harvest Work” from around the world were most encouraging.
3 Wonderful New Releases: The last talk on Friday answered a question that countless people who do not know the truth have asked: “Is There Life After Death?” That most interesting discourse concluded with the release of a new brochure, What Happens to Us When We Die? By now we have no doubt read it and can see how valuable it will be in helping people to see the truth about the condition of the dead and in comforting bereaved ones with the resurrection hope.
4 The Saturday afternoon program ended with the talk “The Creator—His Personality and His Ways.” It led us logically to the conclusion that there must be a Creator. To aid us in helping others to appreciate this fact, the book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? was released. While it enhances our own faith in Jehovah and our appreciation for his personality and ways, the book is designed especially for those who, although well educated in secular matters, may not believe in God.
5 A Heartfelt Resolution: The final talk of the convention emphasized the need for all of us to “Keep On Walking in Jehovah’s Way.” How appropriate it was to go on record in the resolution as to our individual determination always to adhere to, advocate, and promote the superiority of God’s way of life! (Isa. 30:21) Now we must be determined to live up to these resolves. What a fine spiritual uplift we received by attending the “God’s Way of Life” Convention!