How to Develop Reasoning Ability
1 One definition of the word “reason” is “to talk with another so as to influence his actions or opinions.” In order to improve your effectiveness in the ministry, you need to cultivate the ability to reason with those you meet. (Acts 17:2-4) But how can you develop this skill?
2 It Starts With Meditation: When studying Bible truths, you will find it helpful to reflect upon the material. If points seem a little more involved, take time to do some research and meditate on the answers. Seek to understand clearly not only the explanations provided but also the Scriptural reasons for those explanations.
3 Preparation for the Ministry Is Involved: Think about how you would explain the truth to various types of people. Formulate a thought-provoking question to stimulate interest. Determine how to tie in a Scriptural point and reason on it. Anticipate objections that might be raised, and think about how to discuss them. Isolate in the publication being offered a highlight that would best apply.
4 Follow the Example of Jesus: Jesus set the finest pattern of effectively reasoning from the Scriptures. To analyze how he taught, consider the account found at Luke 10:25-37. Note this process: (1) Direct attention to the Scriptures when answering people’s questions. (2) Invite them to express themselves, and commend them when they make discerning comments. (3) Make sure that the connection between the question and the Scriptures is kept in focus. (4) Use an illustration with heart appeal to be certain that the real import of the answer is understood.—See March 1, 1986, Watchtower, pages 27-8, paragraphs 8-10.
5 Use the Tool We Were Given: Reasoning From the Scriptures was published as a field ministry handbook. Its introductions, responses to potential conversation stoppers, and reasoning points help us to develop reasoning ability. The Reasoning book is a valuable tool that we should always carry with us in service and not hesitate to use when engaging in Bible discussions. Review pages 7-8 of the book to see how to use it to greatest advantage.
6 Developing your reasoning ability will enhance your skill in the preaching and teaching work. This will result in rich blessings to you and to those whom you meet in the ministry.