New Special Assembly Day Program
The theme of the special assembly day program for the new service year has a solid Scriptural thrust: “Subject Yourselves to God—Oppose the Devil.” (Jas. 4:7) This is sound guidance for these challenging times! Our obeying God’s commands puts us in direct confrontation with Satan. The program will teach us how to stand firm against the Devil’s faith-destroying, evil schemes. What are some of the spiritual gems we will receive at this assembly?
The circuit overseer will show how “Manifesting Godly Subjection as Family Members” strengthens families to withstand the world’s pressures. The visiting speaker’s first talk of the day, “What It Means to Oppose the Devil,” will explain why and how we need to take assertive action to resist Satan’s aims to ruin our spirituality. Two parts are specially tailored to youths, who must also be alert to the Devil’s designs. Many Christians who are now adults refused to go along with the world’s desires when they were young. We will enjoy hearing some of their personal experiences.
Subjection to authority is required of all who make up human society. Thus, the visiting speaker’s concluding talk will highlight four areas where our godly subjection must be manifest: (1) to governments, (2) in the congregation, (3) in secular occupations, and (4) in the family circle. What a practical program!
Those who wish to be baptized at this special assembly day need to notify the presiding overseer as soon as possible. All of us should mark the date on our calendar and plan to attend the entire assembly program. The blessings we receive will be everlasting as we subject ourselves to Jehovah eternally.