Question Box
◼ What information should be presented at meetings for field service?
The purpose of a meeting for field service is to help us focus on the activity that follows—the ministry. Therefore, the conductor should be well prepared and ready to impart something that is encouraging, specific, and practical. If the day’s text deals directly with the preaching activity, it may be read and discussed briefly. However, the meeting should concentrate primarily on the work at hand, helping all who are going out in the witness work to be better prepared to accomplish the ministry that day.—2 Tim. 4:5.
Applicable points from Our Kingdom Ministry may be discussed to make all aware of the current offer and how to present it. On Magazine Day a presentation from “What to Say About the Magazines” can be demonstrated. For other campaigns, one or two introductions in the Reasoning book that are suitable for the local territory may be highlighted. An aspect of the ministry might be discussed or demonstrated, such as how to use the Bible at the door, how to handle a potential conversation stopper, how to offer a Bible study, or how to follow up interest.
Meetings for service should not exceed 10 to 15 minutes, which includes organizing groups, assigning territory, and saying a prayer. When dismissed, all present should know with whom and where they are going to work, and they should depart for the territory promptly. In view of the brevity of the meeting, it is important that all arrive on time. When a meeting for service follows a congregation meeting, such as the Watchtower Study, it should be shorter. It is not necessary to discuss the day’s text, since a fine Scriptural discussion has already been enjoyed.
Qualified baptized brothers should be assigned in advance to conduct each meeting for service. If none are available to take the lead on a particular day, the elders should designate which baptized sisters can do so when the need arises. While remaining seated, the sister may initiate a group discussion of the day’s text or other points relative to the field service, keeping her remarks brief. She would wear a head covering.
Meetings for field service are excellent opportunities for us to be encouraged and equipped to share in the ministry. The better prepared the conductor is, the more all will benefit.