Impact of Videos That Give a Witness
1 “Our son has been watching the video since before he could walk. He watches it over and over again. How wonderful it is to have tools that instill love of Jehovah in our children!” Which video was this Christian parent describing? The one entitled Noah—He Walked With God. A non-Witness mother whose son had seen the Noah video at someone else’s house sent the branch office a $90 donation and asked if we have any other videos for children. The videos produced by Jehovah’s organization are having a strong impact on young and old alike.
2 In the Family: After a Witness family watched Jehovah’s Witnesses Stand Firm Against Nazi Assault, the mother related: “I have pondered all day on how Jehovah enabled ordinary people to endure extraordinary things! Thinking about that has reminded me of how relatively insignificant my own problems are. Viewing this video with our children has helped them to see more clearly the need to rely on Jehovah. By discussing it with them afterward, we have helped our daughters to be better equipped to handle whatever pressures and persecutions may come their way.”
3 At School: As part of a report, a teenage Witness was able to show a portion of the Stand Firm video to his class. Previously, the teacher said that she did not like the Witnesses. After watching the video, she stated: “This has totally changed the way I look at Jehovah’s Witnesses. I promise that the next time they come to my door, I will listen to them and start studying the Bible with them!” What changed her impression of us? She said that it was our “true love and loyalty.”
4 In the Ministry: A sister met a woman who hesitated to accept literature, although she had questions about us and our beliefs. The sister returned with the video Jehovah’s Witnesses—The Organization Behind the Name and played it for the woman and her husband. Both were greatly impressed and agreed to study the Bible. As a result of the fine witness given to them, they began conforming their lives to God’s will.
5 Are you using our videos to their full potential?