Jehovah Is Very Much to Be Praised
The Lord’s Evening Meal to Be Observed on April 16
1 Anticipation mounts as we approach April 16, 2003. On that night we will commemorate Jesus’ death, joining millions of fellow worshipers worldwide in glorifying Jehovah’s name. Jehovah deserves all our praise for the wonderful provision of the ransom. By means of it, he will bestow marvelous blessings on all obedient mankind. Wholeheartedly we join with the psalmist in crying out: “Jehovah is great and very much to be praised.”—Ps. 145:3.
2 This is a time for meditating on God’s goodness and the debt of gratitude we owe Jehovah for sending “his only-begotten Son into the world that we might gain life through him.” (1 John 4:9, 10) Obediently observing the Lord’s Evening Meal impresses upon our hearts that “Jehovah is gracious and merciful . . . and great in loving-kindness.” (Ps. 145:8) Indeed, the ransom is Jehovah’s greatest expression of love toward all mankind. (John 3:16) When we reflect on God’s love and contemplate Jesus’ faithful course of integrity, we are moved to praise Jehovah. Throughout eternity, we will praise him for his unbounded love expressed in making everlasting life possible for us.—Ps. 145:1, 2.
3 Help Others to Praise Jehovah: Appreciation for God’s superlative gift of the ransom moves us to invite others to join us in praising Jehovah. The psalmist was inspired to write: “With the mention of the abundance of your goodness they will bubble over, and because of your righteousness they will cry out joyfully.” (Ps. 145:7) Last year alone, Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide devoted more than a billion hours to the preaching work. What resulted from their efforts? Each week, an average of more than 5,100 individuals were baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. With a total of 15,597,746 in attendance at the Memorial, including over 9 million who have not yet begun to praise Jehovah as publishers of the good news, there is great potential for further increase! As Kingdom proclaimers, we cherish our privilege of declaring the good news and turning the hearts of others toward Jehovah, his Son, and the Kingdom.
4 A fine way to encourage others to honor Jehovah is by inviting them to join us in observing the Lord’s Evening Meal. Have you made a list of all those you want to invite as well as others who may need to be reminded of the day and hour? Have you offered an invitation to all those on your list? If not, diligently follow through in the time remaining. Help them appreciate the purpose of the celebration. At the observance, be alert to greet visitors. Make them feel welcome, introduce them to others, and commend them for being present.
5 Attending the Memorial can stimulate new ones to make spiritual progress. A Bible student who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, which makes it very difficult for him to go out in public, came to the Memorial. When asked what he thought of the meeting, he said: “It was a most holy night, and I was there.” Since then, he has started attending meetings.
6 After the Memorial: What can be done to help these interested ones to become praisers of Jehovah? The elders will take note of the new ones who attend the Memorial and make arrangements for qualified publishers to visit them soon afterward to review the refreshing things they learned and observed. Some may wish to have a home Bible study. They should also be invited to attend all the weekly congregation meetings, since regular attendance can increase their Bible knowledge.
7 Arrangements are being made to encourage all irregular and inactive ones to attend meetings regularly. If you are asked by the elders to assist someone who has become inactive to resume sharing in field service, be ready to respond. Showing such loving concern for our brothers is in harmony with the apostle Paul’s exhortation: “As long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith.”—Gal. 6:10.
8 May all of us make a special effort to be at the Memorial on April 16. We would not want to miss this most sacred occasion to praise Jehovah. Yes, now and forever, let us praise Jehovah for his great works!—Ps. 145:21.