◼ Literature offer for September: Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? Before requesting additional supplies from the branch office, congregations should use what is available locally and check if nearby congregations have a surplus on hand. October: The Watchtower and Awake! magazines. Where interest is shown, offer the Require brochure, making a special effort to start Bible studies. November: What Does God Require of Us? or Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. If people already have these, Worship the Only True God or an older publication may be offered. December: The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. As an alternative offer, you may use My Book of Bible Stories, The Bible—God’s Word or Man’s?, or You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth.
◼ U.S. Selective Service regulations require that all men register at the post office within 30 days after reaching 18 years of age. A male noncitizen under the age of 26 who takes up residency in the United States must also register with Selective Service within 30 days of becoming a resident. All of those required to do so should comply with this law, viewing it as a Christian’s obligation to the superior authorities. From the time he registers until the year he turns 26, a brother must notify Selective Service of any change of address within ten days of the change. Elders should be aware of young brothers nearing the age of 18 and new alien residents between the ages of 18 and 26 and remind them of their duty to register with the Selective Service System.
◼ The branch office does not fill individual publishers’ requests for literature. The presiding overseer should arrange for an announcement to be made each month before the congregation monthly request for literature is sent to the branch so that all interested in obtaining personal literature items may advise the brother handling literature. Please keep in mind which publications are special-request items.
◼ The elders are reminded to follow through on instructions given on pages 21-3 of the April 15, 1991, Watchtower regarding any disfellowshipped or disassociated ones who may be inclined toward becoming reinstated.
◼ The special public talk for the 2004 Memorial season will be given on Sunday, April 18. The subject of the talk will be announced later. Those congregations having the visit of the circuit overseer or an assembly that weekend will have the special talk the following week. No congregation should have the special talk before April 18, 2004.
◼ The Annual Congregation Property Documents Review Work Sheet (T-33-E) is to be completed each September by the secretary of the congregation holding title to Kingdom Hall property. Each congregation sharing use of the property should promptly receive a copy of the completed work sheet. If corrective actions are needed, the elders should care for these to protect the interests of the congregation. When the circuit overseer visits the congregation, he will review the congregation property documents and the Safety Inspection Work Sheet (T-34-E).