Commendation Refreshes
1 “Haven’t I been a good girl today?” the little girl sobbed at bedtime. That question took her mother aback. Despite having noticed how hard her little girl was trying to behave that day, she had neglected to express even one word of appreciation. That little girl’s tears should serve as a reminder that all of us—young and old—need commendation. Do we refresh those around us by expressing appreciation for the good that they do?—Prov. 25:11.
2 Fellow Christians give us many good reasons to commend them. Elders, ministerial servants, and pioneers work hard to fulfill their responsibilities. (1 Tim. 4:10; 5:17) God-fearing parents do their utmost to raise their children in Jehovah’s ways. (Eph. 6:4) Christian youths put up a hard fight to resist “the spirit of the world.” (1 Cor. 2:12; Eph. 2:1-3) Others faithfully serve Jehovah despite advancing age, health problems, or other trials. (2 Cor. 12:7) All such ones deserve commendation. Do we acknowledge their praiseworthy efforts?
3 Personal and Specific: We all truly appreciate hearing commendation from the platform. However, commendation is even more refreshing when it is directed to us personally. For example, in chapter 16 of his letter to the Romans, Paul made specific expressions of appreciation regarding Phoebe, Prisca and Aquila, Tryphaena and Tryphosa, and Persis, among others. (Rom. 16:1-4, 12) How refreshing his words must have been to those faithful ones! Such praise reassures our brothers and sisters that they are needed and serves to draw us closer together. Have you given specific personal commendation recently?—Eph. 4:29.
4 From the Heart: To be truly refreshing, commendation must be sincere. People can tell whether we are speaking from the heart or we are merely ‘flattering with the tongue.’ (Prov. 28:23) As we train ourselves to notice the good in others, our heart will be moved to commend. May we be generous in giving genuine commendation, knowing that “a word at its right time is O how good!”—Prov. 15:23.