Demonstrate the Pioneer Spirit
1. How would you describe the pioneer spirit?
1 Whether they can serve as pioneers at present or not, all Kingdom publishers can manifest the pioneer spirit. They are intensely concerned with the command to preach and make disciples. (Matt. 28:19, 20; Acts 18:5) They care about people and make sacrifices in order to accomplish their ministry. (Matt. 9:36; Acts 20:24) Jehovah’s servants are willing to do whatever is needed to help others learn the truth. (1 Cor. 9:19-23) Let us consider the example of one who showed such a spirit, Philip the evangelizer.
2. How can elders and ministerial servants imitate Philip’s zeal for the ministry?
2 Preaching and Teaching: Philip cared for weighty responsibilities in the first-century congregation. (Acts 6:1-6) Yet, he was foremost a zealous preacher of the good news. (Acts 8:40) So today, while caring for their assigned duties, elders and ministerial servants can demonstrate the pioneer spirit by taking an enthusiastic lead in the ministry. How this invigorates the spirit of the congregation!—Rom. 12:11.
3. How can we display the pioneer spirit when we face trials?
3 Following Stephen’s death, a wave of persecution caused great disruption in the lives of the disciples. Philip, however, continued to preach, and he was instrumental in opening up the work among the Samaritans. (Acts 8:1, 4-6, 12, 14-17) We can imitate his example by continuing to make known the good news when we undergo trials and by preaching impartially to all whom we meet.—John 4:9.
4. What example did Philip set as a teacher?
4 Philip’s skill as a teacher of God’s Word can be seen in the account of the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch. (Acts 8:26-38) Developing the ability to use the Bible and to ‘reason from the Scriptures’ is yet another way that we manifest the pioneer spirit. (Acts 17:2, 3) Like Philip, we seek to share the good news wherever people can be found and on every appropriate occasion.
5. What can help Christian parents to instill the pioneer spirit in their children?
5 Family and Congregation: Philip’s attitude and example no doubt had a positive effect on his daughters. (Acts 21:9) Similarly, Christian parents who center their lives on Kingdom interests encourage their children to do the same. Although tired from a busy week, a parent who eagerly preaches to others can leave a lasting impression on the heart of a child.—Prov. 22:6.
6. How can we show appreciation for the pioneers in our congregation?
6 Philip extended hospitality to Paul and Luke, zealous Christians who were expending themselves in Jehovah’s service. (Acts 21:8, 10) How can we show our appreciation and support for zealous ones today? Perhaps we could offer to work with the pioneers for a morning or an afternoon on a day when few share in the ministry. (Phil. 2:4) We can also invite them to our homes for upbuilding association. Whatever our circumstances, may all of us strive to demonstrate the pioneer spirit.