Make Wise Use of Our Bible-Based Literature
1, 2. How do many people feel about our literature, and what question does this raise?
1 “I have been reading your publications since 1965. I refer to the Bible when reading, and everything in your literature corresponds to the Bible. I’ve always wanted to know the real truth about God and Jesus, and I honestly can say that I am finding true answers through your material and the Bible.” That is what one man wrote to the headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses. In the same letter, he requested a Bible study.
2 Like that grateful man, millions of people worldwide appreciate the Bible study aids provided by “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Matt. 24:45) Each year, a tremendous amount of literature is produced to help honesthearted people “come to an accurate knowledge of truth.” (1 Tim. 2:4) How can we make wise use of our Bible-based literature?
3. How can we avoid wasting literature?
3 Avoid Waste: Over a period of time, we could accumulate more literature than we will actually use. What can we do to avoid wasting our valuable publications? Discernment is needed when picking up literature for use in the ministry. Rather than obtaining many copies of a publication that we will be offering, we might pick up just one or two copies and return for more after those are placed. This would prevent a large supply of literature from accumulating in our homes. Similarly, if we have a large number of unplaced magazines, it would be appropriate to reduce the number that we request.
4. What can be done if a congregation has overstocked items?
4 Overstocked Items: If the congregation is overstocked with certain publications, the literature coordinator may wish to check with other congregations in the area to see if they can use the extra literature. Publishers can offer older publications to unbelieving family members, Bible students, and others. Those who are newly associated with the congregation may appreciate having these older publications for their personal theocratic library.
5. How can we demonstrate appreciation for our literature?
5 We want our literature to achieve its intended purpose, namely, to help sincere people learn more about Jehovah’s marvelous purposes. Just as Jesus did not waste leftover food after he miraculously fed the crowds, our goal should be to make the best use of the valuable Bible-based literature that is provided. (John 6:11-13) The lifesaving message contained in our publications cannot touch the hearts of righteously inclined people if it remains on our shelves or in our book bags. Therefore, we must be reasonable when picking up literature for the ministry and make wise use of it to benefit others.—Phil. 4:5.