Theocratic Ministry School Review
The following questions will be considered orally at the Theocratic Ministry School during the week beginning February 27, 2006. The school overseer will conduct a 30-minute review based on material covered in assignments for the weeks of January 2 through February 27, 2006. [Note: Where there are no references after the question, you will need to do your own research to find the answers.—See Ministry School, pp. 36-7.]
1. In what ways does the Theocratic Ministry School help us to ‘offer to God a sacrifice of praise and to make public declaration to his name’? (Heb. 13:15) [be p. 5 par. 3–p. 6 par. 1]
2. Why should we put forth diligent effort to read accurately? [be p. 83 pars. 1-5]
3. When we are speaking and teaching, why is clear speech so important? [be p. 86 pars. 1-6]
4. Why is correct pronunciation important, and what factors need to be considered? [be p. 89 par. 1–p. 90 par. 2, box]
5. What are some suggestions to help us become more fluent in conversation? [be p. 94 pars. 4-5, box]
6. How does 2 Chronicles 36:17-23 verify the reliability of Bible prophecy? [si p. 84 par. 35]
7. What chain of events made it possible for the Jews to return to their homeland in 537 B.C.E. in order to rebuild the house of Jehovah? [si p. 85 pars. 1-3]
8. How does the book of Ezra vindicate Jehovah as the true God and build confidence in him? [si p. 87 pars. 14, 18]
9. Why is “the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king” important in Bible chronology? (Neh. 2:1, 5, 6, 11, 17, 18) [si p. 88 pars. 2, 5]
10. How is Nehemiah a good example for God’s servants today? [si p. 90 pars. 16-17]
11. Were the Urim and the Thummim, which were used when an answer was needed from Jehovah, available to the returning exiles? (Ezra 2:61-63)
12. Why were many Jews in Babylon reluctant to go up to Jerusalem with Ezra? (Ezra 7:28–8:20)
13. How could the work of rebuilding the wall be done with just one hand? (Neh. 4:17, 18)
14. Since confidential letters were usually placed in a sealed bag, why did Sanballat send “an open letter” to Nehemiah? (Neh. 6:5)
15. In addition to ‘finding fault’ with the backsliding Jews, as he had done earlier with the princes and the nobles, what other corrective measures did Nehemiah take? (Neh. 13:25, 28)