Show Personal Interest—By Offering Commendation
1 Sincere commendation lifts people’s spirits, motivates them to action, and brings them joy. Many publishers have found that just a brief word of sincere commendation often helps in gaining a listening ear in the ministry. How can we commend people as we seek to share the good news with them?
2 Be Observant: The glorified Jesus Christ took note of the good deeds of the seven congregations in Asia Minor. (Rev. 2:2, 3, 13, 19; 3:8) Similarly, genuine interest in the people we meet in our ministry will move us to look for opportunities to give commendation. For example, a well-kept yard, a parent demonstrating tender affection toward his children, or a householder’s friendly smile and greeting all give us opportunities to offer commendation. Do you readily observe and take advantage of such opportunities?
3 Be a Good Listener: When preaching to others, invite them to express themselves by asking them appropriate questions. Show them honor by paying close attention to what they say. (Rom. 12:10) Likely, you will find something for which you can offer sincere commendation and then be able to build on the common ground you establish.
4 Use Discernment: What should we do if a householder says something that is not in harmony with Bible truth? Rather than take issue with an incorrect statement, acknowledge the householder’s words and continue with an expression such as “I can see that you have given this subject a lot of thought.” (Col. 4:6) Even if a person is argumentative, we can often commend him for his genuine interest in the subject. Such a mild approach may soften one who seems to be firmly opposed to the good news.—Prov. 25:15.
5 To be of value, the commendation we offer must be sincere. The use of such upbuilding speech honors Jehovah and may attract others to the Kingdom message.