Witnessing From House to House
1. What question arises in connection with the house-to-house ministry, and why?
1 “Those experienced in the various ways of spreading the Truth will agree that the house to house canvass with MILLENNIAL DAWN is, in the present time, by far the most effective way of preaching the Truth.” That statement from the July 1, 1893, issue of Zion’s Watch Tower highlighted the value of the house-to-house ministry. People earth wide have come to view it as a trademark of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Is this method still of value, since it is increasingly difficult to find people at home in some lands?
2. What is the Scriptural basis for witnessing from house to house?
2 Scriptural and Important: House-to-house witnessing has a Scriptural basis. Jesus instructed 70 disciples to go by twos to the houses of the people. (Luke 10:5-7) Shortly after Jesus’ death, the Bible says of his disciples: “Every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news.” (Acts 5:42) The apostle Paul also zealously taught from house to house.—Acts 20:20.
3. What are some advantages of witnessing from house to house?
3 Witnessing from house to house continues to be an important method of spreading the good news today. It enables us to “search out” deserving ones in a systematic and orderly way. (Matt. 10:11) People are generally more relaxed at home. Speaking with them face-to-face—hearing their voice, seeing their facial expressions, and observing their surroundings—allows us to discern their interests and concerns. It usually gives us the best opportunity to engage in extended conversation.
4. How can we make house-to-house witnessing more productive?
4 Make Personal Adjustments: The apostle Paul was willing to make personal adjustments “for the sake of the good news.” (1 Cor. 9:23) Perhaps we can adjust our schedule to preach when more people are likely to be at home, such as later in the day, on weekends, or on holidays. Keep a record of not-at-homes, and try again on a different day of the week or at a different time of the day.
5. How might those with health limitations be included in the house-to-house work?
5 Even those with health limitations may be able to share in preaching from house to house. Perhaps we can make it a point to take such ones with us to homes that are easily accessible, allowing them to work at a comfortable pace. One sister’s shortness of breath allowed her to call at only one house every half hour. Yet, how happy and satisfied she felt after being included in the group!
6. Why should we make house-to-house witnessing a regular feature of our ministry?
6 Many sheeplike ones continue to be found in the door-to-door work. One publisher knocked on a door and was told: “Come in. I know who you are. I have been praying for God to send someone to help me, and then I heard the knock at the door. He heard me and sent you.” The results give evidence that Jehovah is blessing this method of preaching. (Matt. 11:19) Be determined to make house-to-house witnessing a regular feature of your ministry.